
Sunday, 31 January 2016

Words Start with Alphabet >> P to Z

One Word Substitution for English :

One word Substitution can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. Nowadays, all the competitive examinations are asking about Common One Word Substitutions in exam like SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC COmbined Higher Secondary Level Examination.  List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
PacifistOne who believes in total abolition of warशांतिवादी
PaleontologyStudy of fossilsजीवाश्मिकी
PanaceaA supposed cure for all diseases or problemsरामबाण, संजीवनी
PantisocracyGovernment by allसरकार जहाँ सबको समान अधिकार और सबकी समान जिम्मेदारी हो
PantomimeA dumb show.मूक-अभिनय, बिना बोलें केवल संकेतो द्वारा अभिनय
ParasiteA person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in returnपरजीवी, मुफ्तखोर, जुगाड़ों पर पलने वाला
ParasolA lady' s umbrellaलेडी छतरी
PathologyStudy of diseaseरोग विज्ञान
PatricideKilling of one’s own father; killer of one’s own fatherपितृहत्या, पितृहत्यारा
PatrimonyProperties inherited from one's fatherपैतृक संपत्ति, विरासत
PatriotOne who loves own country.देशभक्त
PauperOne who has no moneyकंगाल, दरिद्र
PedagogyStudy of Art of teachingशिक्षा शास्त्र
PedanticA style in which author displays his knowledgeपाण्डित्य प्रदर्शक, पंडिताउ
PedestrianOne who goes on footपैदल चलने वाला, पदयात्री
PensionPayment made in consideration of past service.निवृति वेतन
PessimistOne who looks on the dark side of thingsनिराशावादी
PhilandererOne who enjoys by love makingव्याभिचारी
PhilanthropistLover of mankindमानव प्रेमी
PhilatelyStudy of stamp collectionटिकट संग्रहण
PhilistineOne who does not care for art, literature etcसंस्कृति विमुख, अबौद्धिक व्यक्ति
PhilologyStudy of words and their roots.भाषा शास्त्र
PhobiaAn extreme or irrational fear of somethingभय, दर
Phonetics, AcousticsStudy of sound.ध्वनि का अध्ययन
PhrenologyStudy of skull with regard to human character.कपालविध्या
PhysiologyA study of the bodyशरीर क्रिया विज्ञान
PioneerOne who leads othersअग्रगामी, पथप्रदर्शक
PlagiaristOne who copies from other writersचोर लेखक
PlatitudesCommon place remarksतुच्छ बात, सामान्य युक्ति
PlutocracyA Government by the richधनिक तंत्र
PolyandryPractice of having several husbandsबहुपतित्व, एक समय में एक से ज्यादा पति
PolygamyPractice of having several wivesबहुपत्नीत्व, एक समय में एक से ज्यादा पत्निया.
PolyglotOne who knows many languagesबहुभाषी
PolygonA figure with many angles or sides.बहुभुज
PortA place where ships seek shelter.बंदरगाह, रंग ढंग
PosthumousA book published after the death of its authorमरणोपरांत, मरणोपरांत प्रकाशित पुस्तक
PostmortemMedical examination of a dead bodyशव परीक्षा
PostscriptA short message added on to the end of a letter after the signatureअनुलेख, संयोजित अंश
PotableWater fit for drinkingपीने योग्य, पेय
PredatorAn animal who preys on other animalsशिकारी पशु, लूट मार करने वाला
PrejudiceTo form an opinion against anybody baselessly.पूर्वाग्रह, पक्षपातपूर्ण
ProstituteWoman who offers her body on hire.वैश्य, नीच काम में लगना
PsephologySystematic study of election trendsचुनाव विश्लेषण
PseudonymTo write under a different nameछद्मनाम, दूसरे नाम से लिखना
PugnacityTendency to quarrelझगडालुपन, कलह की इच्छा
PuristOne who is particular about the purity of one's language.शुद्धिवादी, शुद्दता का ज्ञान रखने वाला
QuackOne who pretends skill in medicine and surgery.नीम हकीम, बत्तख की बोली
QuadrupedAnimal having four foot.चौपाया, चार पैर का जानवर
QuarantineIsolation imposed on infected people.किनारे तक आने जाने की रोक, 40 दिन का समय
QuatrainStanza of four lines.चौपाई,
QuestionnaireFormulated series of Questions.प्रश्नावली
QuillA feather used as a pen.पंख की कलम, पक्षी का पंख
QuorumFixed number of person that must be present to make proceedings valid.निर्दिष्ट संख्या, कार्यवाह संख्या
RadiationEmission of light or heat from central point.विकिरण चिकित्सा, रेडियो धर्मी पदार्थ की सहायता से इलाज करना
RapeTo use a woman by force.बलात्कार
RebelOne who takes up arms against governmentबगावत करना, राज विरोधी, बागी
RedtapismToo much official formalitiesलालफ़ीताशाही
ReferendumDirect decision by a general vote on the single question.जनमत संग्रह
RegicideMurder of the kingराज हत्या, राज हत्यारा
RepublicA state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.गणराज्य
RetaliateGive tit for tatबदला लेना, पलट कर हमला करना
ReticentOne who speaks lessकम बोलने वाला, मित-भाषी
ReticuleA lady's purse.बटुवा
RetrospectiveWhich takes effect from some earlier dateभूतलक्षी, पूर्वाव्यापी, बीते हुए समय से लागू
RobotAn intelligent and obedient machine like a man.यंत्र मानव, यंत्रवत काम करने वाला
SacrilegeViolating the sanctity of a churchअपवित्रीकरण
SamaritanOne who helps othersनेक आदमी, मुसीबत में मदद करने वाला
SanatoriumPlace of good climate where invalids are kept.आरोग्य निवास, स्वास्थ्यालय
SanctuaryA place of refuge recognized as secure.शरण स्थल, गर्भ ग्रह
ScepticOne who is given to questioning the truth of facts and the soundness of inferences.अविश्वासी, शक्की
ScribbleWrite hurriedly or carelessly in regard to hand writing.घसीटना, घसीट कर लिखने वाला, अस्पष्ट लेख
SculptureThe art of making dolls.मूर्तिकला, प्रतिमा
SecularWhich does not favour anyone religion.धर्मनिरपेक्ष, सांसारिक
SericultureBreeding of silkworm for silk production.रेशम के कीड़ो का पालन, रेशम उत्पादन
SestetA stanza of six lines.6 पंक्तियों की कविता, छन्द
ShrewA woman with peevish natureझगडालू नारी, कलहकारिणी
SimultaneousHappening at the same timeएक साथ हुआ
SinecureAn office with high salary but no workआराम की नौकरी, दायित्वहीन पद
SmugglerA person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly because they are illegal or in order to avoid paying duty on themतस्कर
SolarEclipse of Sunसूर्य ग्रहण
SoliloquySpeaking himself when aloneबातचीत जो अपने आप से कि जाये
SoloA piece of music by one person.एकल प्रदर्शन, एकल गायन या वादन
SomnambulismWalking in sleepनींद में चलना
SomniloquismTalking in sleepनींद में बातें करना/बोलना
SoporificA drug or other substance that induces sleepनिंद्राजनक, आलस्यजनक
SororicideKilling of one's own sister.बहन की हत्या
SpectrumImage formed by rays of lightवर्णक्रम, तरंग, विस्तृत श्रेणी
Spendthrift, ProdigalA person who spends his money recklessly.फिजूल खर्ची, खर्चीला
SpokesmanOne who speaks on behalf of othersप्रवक्ता
StableA place where horses are kept.अस्तबल, घुड़साल
SterilizeTo make free from living germs or bacteria.वन्ध्यीकरण करना, रोगाणुरहित करना, जीवाणु रहित बनाना
StoicOne who is indifferent to pleasure or painनिर्लिप्त, भावहीन, बैरागी
SuicideMurder of selfखुदकुशी
SynonymsWords which have the same meaningपर्यायवाची
TeetotalerOne who does not take alcoholic drinksपूर्णतया मद्यत्यागी, शराब ना पीने वाला
TeetotalersOne who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks.पूर्णतया मध्यात्यागी, जो कोई नशा ना करे
TelltaleOne who enjoy talking about others private affairsचुगलखोर, भेद खोलने वाला
TerminusStation at the of a route.आखिरी स्थान, अंतिम स्टेशन
TheistOne who believes in Godआस्तिक, ईश्वरवादी
ThermometerAn instrument for measuring temperature.गर्मी-सर्दी नापने का यंत्र
TragedyA writing which end in death or sorrow.त्रासदी, दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना
TranslucentThat through which light can partly passपरभासी, जिसके बीच से लाइट पार ना जा सके
TransmigrationPassing of soul from one body to another after deathदेहांतरण, जन्मान्तर
TransparentThat through which light can passपारदर्शी, स्पष्ट
TripodHaving three legs.तिपाई, तीन पैर वाला
TruantA student left school or class without permissionबिना अनुमति लिये अनुपस्थित
TruismAn often repeated truthस्वयं सिद्ध
TrustConfidence reposed in person by making them nominal owner.भरोसा करना, आशा करना
TurncoatOne who changes sidesगिरगिट, विश्वासघाती
TwinsTwo children born together.जुड़वाँ
UbiquitousFound or present everywhere.सर्वव्यापी, देशव्यापी
UnanimousAll of one mind.एकमत, सर्वसम्मत, एकचित
UnavoidableIncapable of being avoided.जिसे टाला ना जा सके, अपरिहार्य, अनिवार्य
UnilateralDecision taken by one's side only.एकतरफा, एकपक्षिक
UniversalBelonging to all parts of the world.असीम, सम्पूर्ण, व्यापक
Up-to-dateHaving information till today.आधुनिकतम, नवीनतम
UsurerOne who lends money at higher rate of interestसूदखोर
UtopiaA state of highest perfectionआदर्श लोक, राम राज्य
UxoricideMurder of wifeपत्नी की हत्या, पत्नी का हत्यारा
ValetudinarianOne who always thinks himself to be illबीमार, जो अपने आपको हमेशा बीमार समझता हो.
VandalOne who damages public propertyतोड़ फोड़ करने वाला, सत्यानाशी, बर्बर
VegetarianSomebody who doesn’t eat meat or fishशाकाहारी
VenialA pardonable offenseक्षम्य, क्षमा योग्य अपराध
VentriloquistOne who can throw his voiceतरह तरह की आवाज निकाल सकने वाला, पेट बोला
VerbatimRepetition of word by wordलफज-ब-लफज, शब्दशः
verboseStyle full of wordsशब्द-आडंबरपूर्ण,
VertebrateAnimals having spinal column.रीढ़धारी
VesperEvening prayer in a churchगिरजाघर में सांयकाल की प्रार्थना
VeteranSomebody who is considerably experienced in somethingअनुभवी
VolunteerOne who works for freeस्वयं सेवक
WardrobeAn almirah where clothes are keptअलमारी, वस्त्रागार
Weather-cockA cock-shaped indicator on the building top to show the direction of air.मौसम बताने वाला यंत्र
WidowA woman whose husband is dead.विधवा, बेवा
WidowerA man whose wife has diedविधुर
Wireless or RadioMethod of sending messages without the help of wires.बिना तार का संदेश संप्रेषण
ZodiacA belt of the heavenly bodies divided into equal signs.राशि चक्र, ज्योतिष चक्र
ZooA place where birds and animals are kept.चिड़ियाघर, जन्तुशाला
ZoologyA study of animalsजन्तु विज्ञान, प्राणी विज्ञान, जीव विज्ञान
These were the most common one word substitution words in English. Using which students can add more marks in their written examination of various exams....
One Word Substituion for English :

Words Start with Alphabet >> J to O

One Word Substitution for English :

One word Substitution can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. Nowadays, all the competitive examinations are asking about Common One Word Substitutions in exam like SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC COmbined Higher Secondary Level Examination.  List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
JailA place where prisoners are kept.बंदीगृह, कारागार
JurisdictionThe area over which an official has controlअधिकारक्षेत्र
JuvenileAnything which relates to young and youth.किशोर, जवान
KangarooAn animal of Australia with great leaping power.कंगारू
KidnapTo carry away a person forcibly.अपहरण
KindergartenA school for small childrenबालवाड़ी, छोटे बच्चों का स्कूल
KleptomaniaAn abnormal desire to stealचोरी करने की बीमारी
LegalThat which is lawfulकानूनी, विधिक
LinguistOne who knows many languages.बहुभाषी, भाषा प्रवीण
LocustA kind of winged insect migrating in swarms and consuming vegetation.टिड्ड़ी
LogicThe science of reasoning.तर्क, तर्क शास्त्र, गणितीय तर्क
LoquaciousA continuous talker.बातूनी, वाचाल
LunarEclipse of Moonचन्‍द्र ग्रहण
MaidenThe first speech made by a personप्रथम, कुंवारी
MammalsAnimals which give milkस्तनपायी, जानवर जो दूध देते हैं
ManuscriptHandwritten bookहस्तलिखित, पाण्डुलिपि
MartyrA person who died for the sake of his country.शहीद, हुतात्मा
Masochismthe tendency to derive sexual gratification from one’s own pain or humiliationस्वपीड़न कामुकता, पीड़ा सुख
MaterialisticOne for whom money is the most important thingभौतिकतावादी, विषयी, सांसारिक
MatineeA cinema show which is held in the afternoonदोपहर का खेल
MatinsMorning prayer in Churchप्रातः कालीन प्रार्थना (चर्च में)
MatricideKilling of one’s own mother; killer of one’s own motherमातृहत्या, मातृहत्यारा
MatrimonyState of being married.विवाह, शादी
MaximAn establish principleनीति वचन, वचन, सूक्ति
MeadowA low level tract of uncultivated grasslandघास का मैदान
MedievalBelonging to the Middle Agesमध्यकालीन
MeditationContinuous and profound contemplation on spiritual mattersध्यान, ईश्वर का स्मरण
MelodramaAn extravagant comedy in which action is more salient than characterizationसनसनीखेज नाटक, उत्तेजनायुक्त नाटक
MercenaryOne who can do anything for moneyलोभी, किराये का सैनिक
MesomorphA person whose build is powerful, Compact and muscular.गठीला, हट्टा कट्टा इंसान
MeticulousVery particular even about small detailsअतिसावधान, छोटी-छोटी चीजो का भी ध्यान रखने वाला
MigratoryThat move from one place to another.प्रवासी, देशांतर जाने वाला
MisanthropeOne who hates mankindमानव-द्वेषी, मनुष्य से नफरत करने वाला
MisanthropistHater of mankindमानव को पसंद ना करने वाला
MisogamistA person who does not believe in the institution of marriageशादी व्यवस्था में ना विश्वास करने वाला
MisogynistA person who hates womenऔरत जाति से नफरत करनेवाला, स्त्री-द्वेषी
MobocracyRule by the mobभीड़-तंत्र, भीड़ का राज
MonarchyA Government by a king or queenराज तंत्र
MonogamyPractice of having one wife or husbandएक विवाह प्रथा
MortalSubject to death.नश्वर, प्राणघातक
MuseGoddess of learning and arts.प्रेरक शक्ति, ध्यान, सरस्वती देवी
MythPurely fictitious narrative usually involving supernatural being etc.पौराणिक कथा, झूठी बात
NamesakeSomebody or something with the same name as somebody or something elseहमनाम, नाम राशि
NarcoticMedicine which induces sleep.नशीली दवा, नींद लाने वाली दवा
NativeOne whose parents are domiciled.मूलवासी, पैदाइशी
NaughtyA badly behaved child.शरारती, खुराफाती
NeologismNew word coined by an author.नवशब्द, नवनिर्मित शब्द
NeophyteOne who is a newcomerनौसिखिया, नया चेला
NotaryPerson publically authorized to draw up or attest contracts etcलेख्य प्रमाणक, लेख-पटरा प्रमाणकारी
NotoriousA person with an evil reputationबदनाम, कुख्यात
NoviceOne who is new to a trade or professionनौसिखिया, पेशे धंधे में नया
NumismaticsScience of coins or medalsमुद्रा शास्त्र
NutritiveArticle of food rich in nutrition.पोषण संबंधी
OasisFertile spot in desert.मरुस्थल के बीच हरित भूमि, सुख-दायक जगह
ObesityHaving lot of fat in one's body.मोटापा
ObituaryA notice of death in a newspaper.निधन सूचना, मृतविवरण
ObsoleteA thing no longer in useअप्रचलित
OceanographyStudy of oceanसमुंद्र विज्ञान
OdontologyStudy of Teethदांत विज्ञान
OligarchyA Government by the fewअल्पतंत्र, कुल-तंत्र
OmnipotentAll-powerful; possessing complete power and authorityसर्व शक्तिमान
OmnipresentOne who is present everywhereसर्वव्यापी, सर्वव्यापक
OmniscientA person who knows everythingअंतरयामी, सर्वज्ञ
OmnivorousAn animal or a human being that eats any kind of foodसर्वभक्षी, सर्वग्राही
OpaqueThat through which light cannot passअपारदर्शी
OphthalmologyStudy of Eyeनेत्र विज्ञान
OpticScience of sight and light.प्रकाश सम्बंधी विज्ञान
OpticsStudy of lightप्रकाश विज्ञान
OptimistOne who looks at the bright side of things; somebody positiveआशावादी
OratorOne who makes an eloquent public speech.सुवक्ता
OrdnanceA factory where military materials are produced.गोलाबारूद , युद्ध सामग्री
OrientalA person of Asian, especially East Asian, descent.पूर्वी , पूर्व-वासी
OrnithologyA study of birdsपक्षी विज्ञान
OrographyStudy of mountainपर्वत विज्ञान, पार्वतिकी
OrphanA person without father and mother.अनाथ, यतीम
OrphanageA place where orphans liveअनाथालय, अनाथाश्रम
OrthodoxOne who believes in traditional valuesपरंपरागत, कट्टरपंथी
OrthographyStudy of correct spelling of wordsवर्तनी
OstracizeTo expel from societyनिष्कासित करना, बहिष्कृत करना
OstrichA large bird reputed to bury its head in sand when pursued.शतुरमुर्ग
OutcastCast out as useless.निर्वासित, परित्यक्त, बहिष्कृत
These were the most common one word substitution words in English. Using which students can add more marks in their written examination of various exams....
One Word Substitution for English :

English Cloze Test 2 - Study Material

Practice English Cloze Test 2, for preparation to SSC CGL, SSC Stenographer, SSC CHSL exam and IBPS.
Published for
Directions (1-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Indeed, much progress in this ...(1)... has already been made as a ...(2)... of the combined  ...(3)... of the government and the people of the state and the ...(4)... initiative provided by Central Government under Prime Minister’s ...(5)... leadership. The results of ...(6)... efforts are there for all to see. Prices of ...(7)... commodities and other goods have ...(8)... considerably. The rate of inflation ...(9)... fallen to gratifying figure of ...(10)... minus 3 % , the ...(11)... in the world. There is complete harmony in ...(12)... public and private sector establishments and ...(13)... is bound to lead to ...(14)... industrial and agricultural production. Is it is hope or a ...(15)...
(1) Behalf
(2) Regards
(3) Way
(4) Regard
(5) Respect
(1) Resultant
(2) Resulting
(3) Result
(4) Resulted
(5) Resultify
(1) Effort
(2) Work
(3) Efforts
(4) Progress
(5) Movement
(1) Proper
(2) Welcomes
(3) Required
(4) Welcome
(5) Initialization
(1) Chair
(2) Inspires
(3) Inspiring
(4) Stable
(5) Stabilize
(1) The
(2) These
(3) This
(4) Those
(5) Then
(1) Certain
(2) Essential
(3) Good
(4) Several
(5) Manifold
(1) Fell
(2) Falls
(3) Fallen
(4) Risen
(5) Plummeted
(1) Have
(2) Become
(3) Has
(4) Greatly
(5) Rarely
(1) Above
(2) Near
(3) Nearly
(4) Inflation
(5) Internal
(1) Highest
(2) Lowest
(3) Higher
(4) Lower
(5) Lowering
(1) State
(2) All
(3) Both
(4) Either
(5) Center
(1) Will
(2)  These
(3)  This
(4) Those
(5) That
(1) Great
(2) High
(3) Greater
(4) Lower
(5) Lowest
(1) Certainty
(2) Definitive
(3) Hope
(4) Ultimate
(5) Expectation

Answers to English Cloze Test 2 :-

1. 22. 33. 34. 35. 3
6. 27. 28. 39. 310. 3
11. 212. 113. 314. 315. 1

English Cloze Test 1

English Cloze Test 1 : Exam Preparation for SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC CHSL Exam and IBPS. 

Directions(1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
In economics, the term recession generally describes the reduction of a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for at least two quarters. A recession is ...(1)... by rising unemployment, increase in government borrowing, ...(2)..., of share and stock prices, and falling investment. All of these characteristics have effects on people. Some recessions have been anticipated by stock market declines. The real – estate market also usually ...(3)... before a recession. During an economic decline, high ...(4)... stocks such as financial services, pharmaceuticals and tobacco ...(5)... to hold up better. However, when the economy starts to recover growth, stocks tend to recover faster. There is significant disagreement about how health care and utilities tend to ...(6)...
In 2008, an economic recession was suggested by several important indicators of economic downturn. These ...(7)... high oil prices, which led to ...(8)... high food prices due to a dependence of food production on petroleum, as well as using food crop products such as ethanol and biodiesel as an ...(9)... to petroleum; and global inflation; a substantial credit crisis investment blanks as well ...(10)... as commercial banks in various, and signs of contemporaneous economic downturns in major economics of the world, a global recession.
(1) imagined
(3) shown
(4) visualized
(5) characterized
(1) Increase
(2) variance
(3) more
(4) decrease
(5) abundance
(1) weakens
(2) intiates
(3) awakens
(4) strengthens
(5) volatile
(1) maintained
(2) yield
(3) heavy
(4) result
(5) payment
(1) are
(2) want
(4) yearn
(5) made
(1) distribute
(2) recover
(3) wait
(4) increased
(5) fight
(1) meant
(2) show
(3) numbered
(4) included
(5) encompass
(1) fearful
(2) dangerous
(3) abnormally
(4) healthy
(5) nutritious
(1) alternative
(2) variant
(3) substitute
(4) element
(5) integral
(1) wealthy
(2) costly
(3) stand
(4) created
(5) established
ANSWERS to Cloze Test 1 :-
Q1. 5Q2. 4Q3. 1Q4. 2Q5. 3
Q6. 2Q7. 4Q8. 3Q9. 1Q10. 5

Difference between Assistant in CSS and Inspector of Income-tax ? CGL Guide

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts every year Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Examination. This exam is considered as one of the very competitive exam in India. This is All India basis examination which is divided into various regions according to Exam Zones. There are numerous posts included with this exam. Candidates are so desperate every year to apply for CGL - Combined Graduate Level because this competitive exam will help them getting the Sarkari Naukri / Government Job in India. Meanwhile, let us have a look on the overall vacancies under SSC CGL for allotement, Interview and Non - Interview Posts Wise.
These posts comes under Grade Pay - Pay Band - II (9300-34800) - Interview to be held for these :
 Post Ministry/Department/Office Group Grade Pay
 A Assistant Central Secretariat Service  B 4600
 B Assistant Central Vigilance Commission  B 4600
 C Assistant Intelligence Bureau  B 4600
 D Assistant Ministry of Railway  B 4600
 E Assistant Ministry of External Affairs  B 4600
 F Assistant
 Ministry of External Affairs  B 4600
 G Assistant AFHQ  B 4600
 H Assistant Other ministry/dept/org.  B 4600
 I Assistant Other ministry/dept/org.  B 4200
 J Inspector of Income Tax CBDT  C 4600
 K Inspector Central Excise CBEC  B 4600
 L Inspector Preventive Officer CBEC  B 4600
 M Inspector Examiner CBEC  B 4600
 N Assistant Enforcement Officer Directorate of Enforcement  C 4600
 O Sub-inspector CBI  C 4200
 P Inspector of Posts Department of Posts  B 4200
 Q Divisional Accountant Offices under CAG  C 4200
 R Statistical Investigator Gr.II Min. of Statistics and Program Implementation  B 4200
 S Inspector Central Bureau of Narcotics  B 4200
Also, these following posts are under Grade Pay - Pay Band - I (5200-20200) - Interview NOT to be held for these :
 Code Post Ministry/Department/Office GroupPay Grade
 T Auditor Offices under CAGC2800
 U Auditor Offices under CGDAC2800
 V Auditor Offices under CGA and othersC2800
 W Accountant/ Junior Accountant Offices under CAG C 2800
 X Accountant/ Junior Accountant Offices under CGA and others C 2800
 Y Upper Divisional Clerk Central Govt offices/ Ministries other than CSCS cadres C2400
 Z Tax Assistant CBDT C 2400
 @ Tax Assistant CBEC C 2400
 $ Compiler Registrar General of IndiaC2400
 # Sub-Inspector Central Bureau of NarcoticsC2400

Today, we are going to discuss the difference between the Assistant Post in CSS(Central Secretariat Services) and Inspector in Income-tax OR Excise. These two posts are very popular at the time of selection of posts in Combined Graduate Level Examination conducted by Staff Selection Commission - SSC. Below, I have given a breif overview about these two posts. I will discuss them later in full.
Job ProfileAssistant in CSS (Desk Job)Income Tax/Excise Inspectors
StatusDesk jobField job.
Work Pressure / StressLowWork Pressure / stress is high
Flexibility for CareerGood for preparing UPSC (because you’re in Delhi, the Mecca of UPSC preparation)Most candidates try to find suitable place in the department itself as Promotion to Higher Posts i.e. Commissioner of Income-tax and others.
Income / Extra IncomeLowYou can earn more (via bribes), provided that you know your job, duties well, otherwise people (your own colleges and bosses) will stab you in the back and you’ll be suspended.
Transfers & PostingsPermanent posting in Delhi until you retire.Transfers, deputation, field posting.
Departmental BenefitsOnce you get promoted to Under Secretary, you get free air-tickets during travel.Not applicable. But you get free petrol, free mobile phones, SIM card etc in some jobs.
UniformsNo UniformNo uniform for Income Tax Inspectors but Inspector of Excise needs to wear uniform occasionally.
Working HoursProbably Fixed Hours of Work. Normally Office to Home, Home to Office.Sometime needs to work beyond working hours. Even on Saturdays and Sunday also.
AdventureNo adventurous job. Just deal with files and office work.Includes some adventure like raids, surveys etc. but without any danger.
Especially for those who want to enjoy life with family, social life and peace of mind.This job gives you name, fame, money but at the cost of social life.

So, now you might have some idea about these two featured posts for CGL. One thing that you should keep in mind while selecting / opting for any of the above posts and that is "Peace of Mind". Yes, people those who are earning better and much for their living also have peace of mind but your job should not be like as to burden your mind all time with the work pressure. People often got selected for Assistant in CSS may not be a happy person whose intentions are much high in monetary terms, on the other hand, people in Income-tax OR Excise Department may also come through the pressure which they want to neglect. In that case, you must be wise and honest with your destiny. Selecting a wrong choice may lead to frustration, fatigue, pressure. While a good job can bring a smile on your face while leaving or becoming a part of any department.
Now, we will talk about promotions in both the above mentioned posts and their other salient  features :
First, Let's talk about Assistant in CSS :
Promotion to a candidate selected for Assistant in CSS is very fast as compared to Assistant in other ministries and departments.
1. You join as Assistant
2. After passing departmental exams that is conducted by UPSC every year. after 5-8 years, you will be promoted as Section Officer,
Note : If you could not pass the Department Exam for SO by UPSC, then promotion time may further be extended upto 10 to 12 years.
3. Once you will be a Section Officer (SO), next promotion will enhance your career to Under Secretary
4. After that, you will be promoted as Deputy Secretary
5. and then, Joint Secretary.
6. and finally, Secretary.
Well, we have another options as Assistant in Ministry of External Affairs.

Now, Let's Talk about Income-tax Department.
1. You join as Inspector of Income-tax i.e. ITI,
2. Promotion procedure is again very good in Income-tax Department, they conduct departmental exams every year approx. in June to Sept.
3. As Inspector, you will be appearing for Income-tax officer (Gazetted Officer - Group - B), after passing this exam, within 4-6 years, you will be an Income-tax Officer ( ITO ).
4. Then, you will become Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax (ACIT)
5. After that, Deputy Commissioner of Income-Tax, (DCIT)
6. then Joint Commissioner of Income-tax, ( JCIT)
7. the, Commissioner of Income-tax i.e. CIT
8. and finally, Chief Commissioner of Income-tax (CCIT). Generally candidates coming from Indian Revenue Service ((IRS), will be promoted to this post as their career starts from ACIT (Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax). Becoming CCIT requires vast span of time. Candidates coming from Inspector Posts have very few chances. If you are inspired to be a CCIT one day, Forget CGL and go for Civil Service Examination and get selected for IRS (Indian Revenue Service).
I will update this article whenever something new crops up. Till then, Good Luck...
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Saturday, 30 January 2016

One Word Substitution - Words Start with Alphabet >> G to I

One Word Substitution for English :

One word Substitution can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. Nowadays, all the competitive examinations are asking about Common One Word Substitutions in exam like SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC COmbined Higher Secondary Level Examination.  List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
GalaxyIrregular luminous band of stars.आकाश-गंगा, तारा समूह, विशिष्ट मंडली
GarageA shed for motor car.मोटर घर, गैराज
GazetteA government publication relating to order, notification etc.राज पत्र, सरकारी गज़ेट
GeologyStudy of Earthभूविज्ञान
GermicideA medicine that kills germsरोगाणु नाशी, जीवाणु नाशी
GlossaryA long list of words with their meaning.शब्दावली, शब्द संग्रह
GluttonOne who eats too muchपेटू, खाऊ
GrammarArt and science dealing with a language.व्याकरण
GranaryA store house for a threshed grain.अन्न-भंड़ार, अन्नागार
GratisWithout paymentनिशुल्क
GregariousOf animals living in flocksझुण्ड़ में रहनेवाला, मिलनसार
GullibleOne who is easily deceivedभोला भाला
HarangueA noisy and loud speech before a long gathering.उग्र, प्रभावशाली भाषण
HearseVehicle to carry dead bodies.शव वाहन
HerbivorousA grass eating animalशाक-भक्षी जानवर
Heritagewhat is got from ancestorsपरंपरा, धरोहर, विरासत, उत्तराधिकार
HeterogeneousThings of different natureविजातिय, विविध प्रकार
HistologyStudy of Tissueतंतु विज्ञान
HomicideMurder of a human beingमानव वध, नर हत्या
HomogeneousThing of same nature.सजातिय, समरूप
Honey moonThe first night of newly married couple.विवाह के बाद दाम्पत्य जीवन की प्रथम रात्रि
HonoraryA position for which no salary is paidसम्माननीय, अवैतनिक, बिना वेतन का पद
HorizonThe point where the earth and sky seem to meet.क्षितिज, सीमा
HospitableFond of entertaining guests.मेहमान नवाज, महजबान
HostilityIntense aggression or anger state of antagonismदुश्मनी, दुर्भावना
HumanitarianOne who feels sympathetic towards human beingsमानवतावादी, परोपकारी
HungAssembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majorityत्रिशंकु
HydraA serpent with many headsबहुत सिरों वाला साँप
HydrophobiaA fear from waterजलांतक, जल से भय
Hygienista specialist in the promotion of clean conditions for the preservation of healthस्वास्थ्य विज्ञान विशेषज्ञ
HypocriteOne who pretends to be what he is notपाखंडी, कपटी
HypothesisA tentative assumption, Made to drive a logical conclusion.अनुमान लगाना, कल्पना
IconoclastBreaker of art and literature.मूर्ति पूजा विरोधी, रूढ़िगत विचारो का विरोधी
IdiosyncrasyA person's peculiar habitसनक, अवांछनीय आदत
IdolatryWorship of idolsमूर्ति पूजा
IgnorantPerson having no knowledge of any happening.अनजान, अज्ञानी, अपरिचित
IllegalThat which is against lawअवैध, गैर कानूनी
IllegibleA handwriting that cannot be readपठनीय, अस्पष्ट
IllicitThat is prohibited by lawनियम या व्यवहार विरुध, गैर कानूनी, अवैध
IlliterateA person who cannot read or writeअशिक्षित, अनभिज्ञ
IllusionFalse sensual proposition.मतिभ्रम, मरीचिका, गलत फहमी
ImitableWhich can be imitated.नकल होने योग्य
ImmigrantOne who lives in a foreign countryअप्रवासी, विदेश में बसनेवाला
ImmovableWhich cannot be moved, fixed.अचल, अटल
ImpenetrableIncapable of being penetrated.अभेद्य, जिसको भेदा ना जा सके, अगम्य
ImperceptibleThat which cannot be noticedअतिसूक्ष्म, अलक्ष्य
ImperviousA person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people's opinions, suggestionsअप्रभावित, अभेद्य
ImposterOne who assumes name or title or someone else for deceiving others.बहरूपिया, ढोंगी
ImpracticableThat which cannot be practicedअव्यवहारिक
ImpregnableIncapable of being seized by attackअजय, अभेद्य
ImprobableThat which is not likely to happenअसंभाव्य
InaccessibleIncapable of being reached.अगम्य, पहुंच से बाहर
InadmissibleIncapable of being admitted or allowed.अस्वीकार्य, अमान्य
InanimateWithout lifeनिर्जीव, अचेतन
InaudibleA sound that cannot be heardना सुनाई देने वाला, अश्रव्य
IncombustibleIncapable of being burnt.जिसे आग ना लग सके
IncomprehensibleA statement which cannot be understoodदुरूह, अबोध्य
IncorrigibleOne who cannot be correctedअसुधार्य, जिसे ठीक ना किया जा सके.
IncredibleThat which cannot be believedअविश्वसनीय
IncurableThat which cannot be curedअसाध्य, अचिकित्स्य
IndefatigableOne incapable of being tiredअथक, अश्रांत, ना थकने वाला
IndefensibleThat which cannot be defendedअसमर्थनीय, अरक्षणीय
IndescribableThat which cannot be describedअवर्णनीय
IndestructibleIncapable of being destroyed.अविनाशी, अटूट
IndispensableSomething that is essential and cannot be dispensed withअनिवार्य, जरूरी
IndivisibleIncapable of being divided.अविभाज्य, जिसका भाग ना हो सके
IndoorSomething carried on within door or under cover.भीतरी, आंतरिक, घर के अंदर
IneligibleNot being able to be elected or selected under the rules.अपात्र, अयोग्य, अनुचित
InevitableThat which cannot be avoidedनिश्चित, अनिवार्य, अपरिहार्य
InexcusableIncapable of being justified.अक्षम्य
InexhaustibleIncapable of being tired out.अनन्त
InexplicableThat which cannot be explainedदुरूह, जिसकी व्याख्या ना की जा सके
InexplicitNot definitely or clearly expressed.अस्पष्ट
InexpressibleIncapable of being expressed in words.अवर्णनीय, अकथनीय
InfallibleA remedy which never failsअचूक, रामबाण
InfanticideThe act of killing an infantशिशुहत्या
InfectionA disease spread by contactसंक्रमण, बुरा असर, संक्रामक रोग, छूत की बीमारी
InfiniteNot limited by person or number.अनन्त, असीम, विशाल, ईश्वर
InflammableSomething that is quickly and easily set on fire and burnedज्वलनशील, ज्वलंतशील
InimitableA method that cannot be imitatedअनोखा, जिसकी नकल ना की जा सके, अननुकरणीय
InsatiableThat which cannot be satisfiedअतृप्त, जो तृप्त ना हो सके
InsecticideThat which kill insects.कीट नाशक प्रदार्थ
InsolubleIncapable of being dissolved in a liquidना घुलनेवाला, अघुलनशील
InsolventOne who is unable to pay his debtsदिवालिया
InsomniaLoss of sleepअनिद्रा रोग, अल्पनिंद्रा
InsurmountableIncapable of being overcome.अजय, जो प्राप्त ना किया जा सके
InterpolateInserting new matter in a bookबीच में डालना
InterveneAnything pushed inside veinsबीच में आना, हस्तक्षेप करना
IntestateOne who dies without a Willबिना वसीयत, इच्छा पत्रहीन
IntrospectionThe action of looking back on past timeआत्मविश्लेषण
InvincibleThat which cannot be conqueredअजय, जिसे जीता ना जा सके
InvisibleA thing that cannot be seen with human eyesअदृश्य, ओझल
InvulnerableThat which cannot be hurtसुरक्षित, अभेद्य
IrreconcilableIncapable of being reconciled.कट्टर, मेल ना करने वाला
IrrecoverableIncapable of recovered, regained.वापस ना मिल सकने योग्य, सदा के लिये होने वाला
IrrelevantNot applicableअप्रासंगिक, बेमतलब
IrreparableA loss of damage that cannot be compensatedअपूर्ण, जिसे सुधारा ना जा सके
IrrevocableThat cannot be altered or withdrawnअटल, अपरिवर्तनीय
IrritableA man who is easily irritatedचिड़चिड़ा, क्रोधी
ItinerantOne who travels from place to placeभ्रमणशील
ItineraryA planned route or journey, details of travelयात्रा विवरण
These were the most common one word substitution words in English. Using which students can add more marks in their written examination of various exams....
One Word Substituion for English :

One Word Substitution for English- Words Start with Alphabet >> C to F

One Word Substitution for English :

One word Substitution can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. Nowadays, all the competitive examinations are asking about Common One Word Substitutions in exam like SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC COmbined Higher Secondary Level Examination.  List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
CaducityThe infirmity of old age.नश्वरता
CalligraphyThe art of beautiful hand writing. Elegant penmanship.हस्तलिपि, लिखावट, सुलेख
CallousA man devoid of kind feeling and sympathyकठोर, निष्ठुर
CannibalOf a man or animal that feeds on its own speciesस्वजातिभक्षक पशु, नरभक्षी
CarnivorousA flesh eating animalमांसाहारी
CatalogueA list of booksतालिका, नामावली, नामसूची
CelibacyAbstinence from sexब्रह्मचर्य
CelibateOne who is unmarriedब्रह्मचारी
CemeteryA place for burial of dead bodies.कब्रिस्तान
CentenarianA person who is above hundred yearsशतायु
CentenaryCelebration of a hundredth year, once –a-centuryशताब्दी, शतवर्षिया उत्सव
CentripetalAnything tending to move away from centre.अभिकेंद्र, केन्द्राभिमुखी
CenturyOne hundred years.सौ वर्ष, शताब्दी
ColleagueA co-worker or a fellow-worker in the same institutionसहकर्मी
CompatriotBelong to same country.एक देशवासी, हम वतन
CongenitalBelonging or pertaining to an individual from birthजन्मजात
CongregationAn assembly of worshippers.सभा, भक्त मंडली, धर्मसंघ
ConscriptionCompulsory enlistment for military or i\other serviceसेना में जबरदस्ती भर्ती करना
ContemporariesPeople living at the same timeसमकालीन व्यक्ति
ContemporaryBelonging to the same period of timeसमकालीन
ConvalescentOne who is recovering from illnessस्वास्थ्य लाभकारी, स्वास्थ्य लाभ से सम्बंधित
CosmologyScience of origin of universeब्रह्माण्ड विज्ञान
CosmopolitanOne who can make himself at home in all countriesसमस्त संसार का, सर्वव्यापी
CosmopoliteA citizen of the worldऐसा व्यक्ति जिसने बहुत देशों की यात्रा की हो
CoupletA stanza having two lines in verse.दोहा
CredulousA person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her.सहज विश्वासी, भोला
CryptographyStudy of secret writing and coded wordsगूढ़ लेखन, बीज लेखन
CurableWhich can be cured.साध्य, ठीक होने योग्य
CynicOne who questions everythingदोषदर्शी, निंदक
CytologyStudy of cellकोशिका विज्ञान
Dead letterAn unclaimed letterअंधपत्र, अप्रचलित कानून
DeafOne who cannot hearबहरा
DebarPrevent a person from admission or a right.वर्जित करना, रोक देना
DeclamationAct or art of rhetorical exercise.भाषण, घोषणा, व्याख्यान
DelegateTo give oneसौपना, प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिये भेजना
DemocracyGovernment of the people, for the people, by the peopleप्रजातंत्र, लोकतंत्र
DemonstrationShow of force to intimidate.प्रदर्शन
DepreciateTo go down in valueमूल्य घटना, कीमत घटना
DermatologyStudy of skin.त्वचा विज्ञान
DesertWhere neither water nor vegetation is found.रेगिस्तान, मरुस्थल, बंजर
DeteriorateTo go from bad to worseबिगड़ना, क्षय होना
DictatorshipGovernment carried on by an absolute ruler.निरंकुशता, तानाशाही, दबंग
DictionaryA book dealing with words in alphabetical orderशब्दकोश, शब्द सागर
DietingA small allowance of food to become slim.कम भोजन करना
DigestibleThat which can be digestedपाचन योग्य, सुपाच्य
DipsomaniaA strong desire to take liquor.मदिरा की लत्त, शराब की तीव्र इच्छा
DisenfranchisementTo take away some oneविशेष विक्रय अधिकार को वापस लेना
DivisibleThat Which can be divided.विभाज्य
DotageExtreme old age when one behaves like a childसठियापा, वृद्धावस्था की मतिक्षीणता
DrawA game in which neither party winsलॉटरी नंबर निकालना, खींचना, खेल में ना जीत ना हार, बराबरी
Drawn/ TieA game or batter in which neither party winsखेल मैं बराबरी - ना जीत ना हार
DroughtContinuous dry weather and lack of rain and water.सूखा, अनावृष्टि
DumbOne who cannot speakगूंगा
Words starts with Letter "E" & "F" :-
EccentricOne who has strange habitsसनकी, विचित्र
EcologyStudy of environmentपर्यावरण, परिस्थिति विज्ञान
EdibleA thing that is fit to be eatenखाने योग्य, आहार
EffeminateOf a man showing feminine attributesनारी जैसा पुरुष, स्त्रैण
EfficaciousSure to produce desired resultsअचूक, प्रभावी
EgotistA person who always thinks of himself ; somebody who is selfish or self-centeredअहंकारी, अहंवादी
EligibleOne who is qualifies for electionयोग्य
ElucidateTo explain something mysterious or difficultसमझना, स्पष्ट करना
EmbezzlementMisappropriation of moneyगबन
EmigrantOne who goes to live in a foreign countryउप्रवासी, परदेश में रहने वाला व्यक्ति
EmissaryQ person sent on a mission.[usually official]दूत, गुप्तचर, जासूस
EmphasizeTo lay special stress onमहत्व देना
EmployerOne who employs.नियोजक, मालिक
EndemicA disease prevailing in a localityस्थानिक बीमारी
EntomologyStudy of insectsकीट विद्या
EpicA long narrative poemमहाकाव्य
EpicureSomebody who has refined taste for food; somebody who loves sensual pleasure and luxuryस्वादलोलुप व्यक्ति
EpidemicA contagious disease which spreads over a huge areaमहामारी
EpilogueA speech given after conclusion of drama.उपसंहार
EpistleVerse in form of a letter.काव्य पत्र, धर्म पत्र
EpitaphInscription on a tombstoneस्मारक, समाधी-लेख
EquestrianA person who rides on horse-backअश्वारोही, घुड़सवार
EquilibriumA state of perfect balanceसंतुलन
EradicateDestroy or get rid of something completely; root out an evil or bad practiceमिटा देना, उन्मूलन करना
EssentialThing without which we cannot doअनिवार्य, प्रधान, आवश्यक
EthnologyA study of racesमानव जाति अध्ययन
EtiquetteEstablished rules of conduct; rules of acceptable behaviorशिष्टाचार
EtymologyA study of word, science deals which formation of wordsशब्दों का इतिहास/मतलब, शब्दों के उद्गम का शास्त्र
ExamineeOne who is takingर्थी
ExaminerOne who examine the copies of examinees.परीक्षक, प्रश्नकर्ता
ExileMade to be absent for a long time from one's own country.देश निकाला, निर्वासन, वनवास
ExonerateFree somebody from blame or guiltदोष मुक्त करना
ExpatriateTo send out of native country.प्रवासी
ExpurgateTo remove all objectionable matter.आपत्तिजनक विषय की कांट-छांट करना
ExtemporeA speech delivered without any previous preparationबिना तैयारी के
ExtraditeTo send back the criminal to the country.भागे हुए विदेशी अपराधी को सौंपना, प्रत्‍यार्पण करना
FacsimileAn exact copyप्रतिकृति
FanaticA man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religionकट्टरपंथी, उन्मादी
FastidiousA person difficult to pleaseअकडू, नकचड़ा
FatalAnything that leads to deathप्राण-घातक, जानलेवा
FatalistA person who believes in fateभाग्यवादी
FeministOne who thinks only of welfare of womenनारी अधिकारवादी
ForegoneSomething that has been determined beforehandपूर्व निश्चित
ForgeryFalsification of documents etc.जालसाजी, नकली
Foster childChild brought by persons, Who are not his parents.किसी और के द्वारा पोषित बच्चा
FranchiseConstitutional right to cast vote.मतदान का अधिकार, विशेष विक्रय अधिकार
FratricideThe murder or murderer of brother or sisterभ्रात्र-हत्या, स्वजनो की हत्या/हत्यारा
These were the most common one word substitution words in English. Using which students can add more marks in their written examination of various exams....
One Word Substituion for English :

One Word Substitution - Words Start with Alphabet >> A to B

One Word Substitution for English :

One word Substitution can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. Nowadays, all the competitive examinations are asking about Common One Word Substitutions in exam like SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC COmbined Higher Secondary Level Examination.  List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
AbbreviationA shortened form of a word or phraseसंक्षिप्त रूप, लघु रूप
AbdicationVoluntary renouncing throneसिंहासन त्याग, राज त्याग
AbolishDo away with whollyउनमूलन करना, मिटा देना
AboriginesOriginal inhabitants of a countryप्राचीन देशवासी
AbridgedAn edition a book in which it has been condensed.संक्षिप्त
AccelerateTo increase the speed; to hasten the progress ofगति बढ़ाना, तेज करना
AccessibleWhich can be approachedसुगम्य, सुलभ, गम्नीय
AcclimatizeTo accustom oneself in new climateआदी होना, नये वातावरण के अनुकूल होना
AccountableLiable to be called to accountजिम्मेदार होना
AcquaintMake oneself familiar with a person or a thing .परिचित कराना, जानकारी प्राप्त करना
AcquittalThe act of freeing a person from a charge by verdict.दोष रहित, रिहाई
ActuaryOne who calculates premiumबीमांकक, बीमांकिक
AdolescenceThe period between childhood and adulthoodकिशोरावस्था
AdulterationTo falsify a thing by admixture or baser ingredients.अपमिश्रित, मिलावट
AggravateTo increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a diseaseऔर बिगाड़ देना, तीव्र करना
AggressorA person who attacks firstआक्रमणकारी
AgnosticOne who doubts the existence of godनास्तिक, संशयवादी
AlienOne who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen.अलग दुनिया का, विदेशी मनुष्य, ऊपर देशीय
AlienateTo turn friends in enemiesविरोधी बनाना, दूर कर देना
AlimonyAllowance paid to wife on legal separationप्रत्यक्यता(तलाक दी हुई) पत्नी के लिए वृति या जीविका निर्वाह व्यय
AltruistA person who loves every bodyपरोपकारी
AmateurOne who does something not professionally but for pleasureशौकीया, नौसिखिया
AmbassadorA person representing a state in a foreign country.राजदूत
AmbidextrousOf a person who can use both hands equally wellअभ्यत, दोनो हाथ इस्तेमाल करने में निपुण
AmbiguousA sentence whose meaning is unclearअस्पष्ट, दुविधापूर्ण
AmbivalentHaving opposing feelingsमिले जुले भाव वाला
AmbulanceA van which is used in transporting wounded or serious patients.रोगी वाहन, अस्पताल गाड़ी
AmnesiaLoss of memoryयाददाश्त खो जाना, स्मृतिलोप
AmnestyGeneral pardonराज-क्षमा, क्षमादान
AmphibianA land animal that breeds in waterजल तथा स्थल में रहने वाला जन्तु
AnarchistOne who is out to subvert a governmentअराजकतावादी
AnarchyAbsence of governmentअराजकता, अव्यवस्था
AnniversaryThe yearly return of a date.सालगिरह, वर्षगाँठ
AnnualWhich happens once a year.वार्षिक
AnomalyDeviation from common ruleअनियमित्ता
AnonymousA book written by an unknown authorगुमनाम, बेनाम लेखक
AnswerableA person liable to be called to account for his actionउत्तरदायी, जवाबदेही
AntedateTo date before the true timeपूर्व-दिनांकित करना
AnthropologyA study of manमानव विज्ञान
AntidoteA medicine to counteract the effect of another medicineविषनाशक, विषहरण औषधि
AntisepticA medicine that prevents decomposingरोगाणु रोधक
AntonymA word opposite in meaning to anotherविलोम
AphasiaLoss of speechआवाज बंद हो जाना, वाचाघात
ApostateOne who abandons his religious faith.धर्मत्यागी, विश्वासघाती
AppreciateTo rise in valueभाव बढ़ जाना, प्रशंसा करना
AquariumVessel in which fish and water plants are kept.मत्स्यालय, जलजीवशाला
AquaticAnimals live in water.जलचर, जलीय
ArbitratorA person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between themमध्यस्थ, पंच
ArchaeologyA study of ancient thingsपुरातत्व विज्ञान
AristocracyA Government by the Noblesअभिजात वर्ग
ArmisticeThe cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed.युध्दविराम, संधि
ArsenalA place where weapons and ammunitions are storedशस्त्रागार
AsceticOne who tortures himself for the good of soul.संन्यासी
AtheistOne who does not believe in the existence of Godनास्तिक
AudibleSound which can be heardसुनाई देने योग्य ध्वनि
AudienceAn assembly of hearers at a lecture or concertश्रोता
AudiologyThe study of hearing, especially hearing defects and their treatment.श्रवण विज्ञान
AuditorOne who makes an official examination of accountsलेखा परिक्षक
AuristA specialist with regard to earकर्ण विशेषज्ञ
AutobiographyA life history written by oneselfआत्मकथा
AutocracyA Government by oneतानाशाही
AutographGetting signature of some important person in his handwritingहस्ताक्षर
AvariciousOf a person extremely desirous of moneyलालची
BachelorhoodState of being unmarriedकुँवारापन
BankruptOne who can’t pay the debts.दिवालिया
BeheadCut off the headसिर काटना
BellicoseOne who is fond of fightingलडाकू
BelligerentsNations engaged in war.युध्दकारी, युध्दरथ
BibliophileA great lover of booksपुस्तक प्रेमी
BiennialHappening every second yearद्विवार्षिक, हर दो साल में होने वाला
BigamyPractice of having two wives or husbandsद्विपत्नीत्व, द्विविवाह
BigotOne who has narrow and prejudiced religious viewsकट्टर, धर्मांध
BilingualA person who speaks two languagesद्विभाषी
BiographyA life history written by somebody elseजीवनी
BiologyThe science which treats with lifeजीव-विज्ञान
BipedAnimal having two feet.दो पैर वाला जानवर
BlasphemySpeaking disrespectfully about sacred or religious things.ईश्वर निंदा
BookwormOne who devotes full time in studying course booksकिताबी कीड़ा
BotanyThe branch of biology dealing with plant lifeवनस्पति विज्ञान
BrigandA bandit or robber, [esp.] One of a band living by pillage and ransom.डाकू, डकैत
BrittleHard but liable to be easily brokenखस्ता, भंगुर
BullionGold or Silver before using for manufacturing ornamentsचांदी सोने की ईंट
BureaucracyA Government by the officialsनौकरशाही, अधिकारी-वर्ग
These were the most common one word substitution words in English. Using which students can add more marks in their written examination of various exams....
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1. SSC Stenographer- How to get a Government job Easily

2. Difference between Assistant in CSS & Income Tax Inspector

3. How to prepare for SSC Stenographer Examination

4. Duties & Responsibility of Central Superintendent in CBSE

 5. Difference between Excise Inspector, Preventive officer & Examiner - Complete Job Profile

 6. Assistant in Ministry of Railways, RAIL BHAWAN, New DELHI 

7. Job Profile of IAS Officer in Indian Civil Service Examination

8. IRS Officer - Job Profile in Indian Society

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Older Communication for SSC Stenographer Job on

  1. m.thejkumar
    how much time does it take to learn shorthand..?
    is an average student can crack the “ssc” easily or noy…?
    • Admin
      You should learn shorthand for atleast 3 months with regular and dedicated efforts. First month will go for theory section and you will go for dictation part which will allow you to make speed from 60 to 80 wpm and 80wpm to 100 wpm.
      Yes, ofcourse an average student can crack the stenographer exam easily. The possibility of cracking the exam depends on its syllabus with which every student of any stream, is familiar. Also this exam is not including maths as the fourth subject which is the most important part and that is why many students are diverting to stenographer exam rather than going for ssc combined graduate level (cgl) exam.
  2. vasu
    what is the proces aftr clearing the skilltest
    • Admin
      after you clear the skill test for stenographer exam, they will declare the results for the exam. That will hardly take 1 month or so. SSC will declare the merit list according to the marks secured by the candidates in the written exam.
  3. ankit
    Q1-What are the best shorthand institutes in delhi?
    Q2- those who are selected as stenographers will be posted in delhi only?
    • Admin
      Dear Ankit,
      Well, there are hundreds of institutes available in delhi itself. Now, the candidates who are passing through SSC Stenographer Examination, they are also opening their own institutes. You might have heard some of them in your nearby. But there are only some of them which are useful.
      One is Kailash Chandra Institute at Greater Kailash. other is at R K Puram, near the DPS RK Puram Market. Some are at INA Market. All of them are using Kailash chandra magazines, so there will be no major difference.
      2) No, all the stenographers selected through Steno exam, will not be posted in Delhi. It depends on Rank. All the top rank students will have a chance to get posted in Delhi Ministries. But if you are not having a good rank, they will definitely going to put you outside Delhi, probably in the Southern Region, because there are a lots of vacancies available for Stenographers.
  4. archit
    If I clear both exam written as well as typing as grade c so after how much time I got posting and what is the starting salary
    • Admin
      Dear Archit,
      First of all, if you clear both the examination of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ & ‘C’ i.e. written examination and steno typing, you will be posted as Grade ‘C’. Your claim for Grade ‘D’ shall be forfieted automatically because SSC will select you to serve as Grade ‘C’ in ministries and departments.
      Second, it will take around 7-8 months or so, depending on the circumstances, to get posting.
      Initial salary will be approx 30-35k with GP 4600/-.

  5. varun jagga
    dear sir,
    me govt. polytechnic saharanpur se modern office management and secretarial practice m diploma kar rha hu.. kya is diploma se mujhe koi benefit milega kya is steno exam m… kyuki is course m shorthand and typing bhi h..
    • Admin
      Dear Varun,
      SSC only demands a candidate who is well versed with Shorthand and typing. They even don’t want the certification from wherever you have acquired the knowledge. It is good that you are already doing Office Management and Secretarial Practice diploma. It would be beneficial for you while working in govt ministries.
  6. vivek kumar singh
    what kind of shorthand is used in ssc for english – gregg shorthahand or pitmann shorthand? plz reply soon!
    • Admin
      Normally, in India, there is no institute who is teaching gregg shorthand, in my knowledge so far. Everyone is learning only Pitman Shorthand. You may also be learning pitman shorthand.
  7. shorthand is the best of our curiour? ?
  8. Neha Ahuja
    Sir, plz tell me that if i started my shorthand preparations from now onwards. ….so there is any possibility to crack the 2015 skill test of stenographer grade c and grade d…
    • Admin
      Dear Neha,
      if you see there is still around 5-6 months left for the examination. Possibly with hard work, you can crack the exam. However, if you have not started the preparation yet, please start very soon. Do not be late. Just prepare hard.
  9. Chandan Kumar
    Dear Admin ! First of all, I want to thank you for sharing valuable information with us . I’ve a few queries related to stenography, Please guide me on this.
    [1] I’m 23 years old & come under Gen. category, Do I have enough time to start learning shorthand from the scratch and making my career in stenography as a govt servant ?
    [2] What would be my complete work profile if I get through in SSC ? How SSC grp ‘C’ is differ from grp ‘D’ in terms of work profile, salary & promotion ?
    [3] what is the gross salaries of SSC grp ‘C’ & ‘D’ each and what would be the expected salaries if 7th pay recommendations applied ?
    Thank you !
  10. dinesh
    Sir me hindi me jain pranali me steno kr rha hu kya delhi me jain pranali me koi institute steno karvata h.
  11. abhishek
    which shorthand should i learn ? Pitman , Gregg or Teeline ?
    • Admin
      Well, if you are preparing for SSC or some other examination, it does not matter which shorthand you have learnt. What they are checking is the transcription. If your transcribing power is good, then you must be selected. No matter which shorthand you have used to write.
  12. gauri
    sir, please suggest me….
    which is better relaxable job between ssc cgl (assistant CSS) and ssc stenographer Grade c?
    what is posting critria of ssc stenographer grade C?
    • gauri
      sir, what is promotion of ssc stenographer grade c from starting to retirment??
      • Admin
        Once, you are selected as SSC Stenographer Grade C, you will be happy to know that promotion aspects in Steno cadre is really awesome as compared to Assistant in CSS. after steno grade c, you will be promoted to Private Secretary (PS), then Senior PS. then, Principal PS, then Sr. PPS and finally PSO (Principal Staff Officer) which is equivalent to the rank of Director.
    • Admin
      If you compare both the posts, I believe, Steno Grade C is more relaxable than Assistant in CSS despite the same grade pay of Rs. 4600 (Conditions on Grade C : Some offices used to appoint Steno Grade C in GP of 4200 also). In Assistant, you will report to your Officer i.e. Section Officer, but other officers like US, DS even director can ask favour of information. But in Steno C, you will be posted with one officer only and that’s why its a peace mind job.
  13. Vikas
    hello sir
    muje puchna tha ki .. mene preference me grade c d bhra hai .. agr marks ache aye aur c ke lie bulaya to kya d ke liye bi bulaya jayega skill test ke.lie…bcz speed ni ayi to shyd d se bi hath dhona pade..
    thank u sir.
    • Admin
      If you have filled up Grade C & D in preference, and you have scored so well, then you will be eligible to appear in both the skill test. Grade C skill test will be conducted in morning session and in the afternoon session, grade D test will be conducted.
  14. JENNY
    Hello, I’m looking for kailash chandra’s steno transcription audio. Can you tell me where to get it? Please…. I really need it.
  15. JENNY
    And yes, is there any difference in salary if a person is graduate??
    • Admin
      There is no difference in the salary if a candidates has passed either 12th or Graduation. The exam base is only Class 12th, so every body will be judged on the performance of 12th standard.
    Dear sir,
    My name is Ragini Sinha. I am from Ranchi. I have been learning shorthand since2011. Now I have become perfect in this. But still, there is a main problem about my typing. My typing is not so good. I am practicing it in typewriter. I know that SSC exams criteria is computer based. Could you please help me out as how to become a good typist. Waiting for your reply sir.
    • Admin
      Hello Ragini,
      First of all, I would like to know about your performance in typing in respect of speed or accuracy. Are you not able to complete the given transcription in prescribed time. Another thing is if you are practising typing on typewriter, then you can easily type on computer even with a very good speed.
      However, if you are not good in typing at all, I suggest you to have daily typing practice for atleat 2 hrs, depending upon your interest.
  17. Durgesh Gautam
    Dear sir
    What is the present gross salary of Stenographer grade ‘c’ and Grade ‘D’ in Delhi. Please tel sir… Thank you
  18. subhash dhanuk
    Sir i want to know that english speaking is must for a stenographer??
    If i learn stenography from today then can i clear skill test??
    • Admin
      No you cannot pass the examination if you start from today. Better try for the next year with very hard work. English speaking is not necessary but knowledge of english is must.
  19. Shiva
    Hello anurag!! First of all,I thank you for enlightening aspirants regarding this exam..I have been learning shorthand since a month and I’m planning to appear ssc exam this year…The written exam is on December 27th..And the skill test is likely to be held in february..Is it possible to make up speed of 100 wpm in a span of six months? I can type 45 wpm with good accuracy …But I do it looking at the keyboard..Is it requisite to learn touch typing? any advice and suggestions will be highly appreciated..Thank you :)
    • Admin
      Hello Shiva,
      If you are looking for 100 wpm in 6 months, I would say it is a complex task to do. People usually reach at 80 wpm in 6 months and even after that they do not have confidence whether they can get through the examination. At least one year is necessarily required with proper and dedicated hard work to pass 100 wpm exam.
      Your typing skill is good with 45 wpm but you do not have to look on keyboard while typing. In exam, you will look into your notebook, not on keyboard. Just time consuming process, get rid of this habit. No need for touch typing. Just pick a keyboard from the market worth Rs. 150/- only and let your hand work on it with hard typing.
  20. abhi
    Sir, I want to know the post of stenogrpher grade c , if there any chance to get a job in abroad through grade c and the difference between IFS & MEA in stenographer and which is the of these two department .. And the last one is top 5 rank of grade c in which department
    • Admin
      Please read in the above comments you will find answers regarding the Grade C Post. Go to MEA for abroad posting. IFS and MEA is same. IFS stands for Indian Foreign Service which is a cadre. while MEA is Ministry of External Affairs which is a ministry dealing the matters related to foreign affairs.
      It depends on choice if will provide at the time of document verification. Top 5 ranks will be posted as per the vacancy and options exercised by the candidates.
  21. abhi
    Thanks alot sir.. Thanks for ur suggestion . . Its really helpful for me . . U r doing such a grt job ..
  22. Amar
    Sir I have completed my basic course now I’ll start speed building by doing magazines can I achieve 80 plus speed till skill test, and probably in which month skill test will conduct? Thank you!
  23. amar
    Sir, I have completed my basic course now I’ll do speed building can I achieve 80 plus speed till skill test. Probably in which month skill test will be conduct?
    • Admin
      SSC Will conduct written test in the month of December, 2015, however, it will take hardly 2 months after written, and ssc will declare the result. As soon as result is out, ssc will start calling candidates for skill test. So, it will be about February OR March starting week.
  24. Sir ssc cgl ki post badi hoti h ya fr steno ki.. diffrence kya h dono ke level me.
    • Admin
      SSC CGL appoints candidates on various posts. Some of them are equivalent to steno post and some are different. For example, a candidate appointed as Assistant in CSS is equivalent to SSC STENO Gr- C bcoz both of them are 4600 grade pay. while steno gr-D, is little low bcoz it has 2400 grade pay.
      That’s why, you can compare easily with grade pay.
  25. Sunil
    sir pls help me……sir kya mai shorthand me single single word ki transcription krke practice kru ….ya jaise kailash sir ki magazine me combined word ka single transcription kr ke diya hai – waise practice karu…sir pls help me….
    • gaurav chaudhary
      nops !! single single words ki practice kabhi nai karna isse speed develop nahi hogi ! register ki first line mai outline likho for niche 5 lines chod do useke baad aage ki line likho fir 5 blank line chod do ! esse puri dictation likho fir dubara se start karo blank line mai likh kar and har baar read jaroor karna ki word kya bana rahe ho and fir last tak karo ! practice hone ke baad recording se practice karo !
  26. Sunil
    sir, meri ek query hai ki jo kailash sir ki volume me khi khi jagah 5-5,6-6 words ka ek single transcription kr ke diya hai…..kya hm is ko tod kr chote chote combined word ka transcription kr ke practice nhi kr sakte ya jo kailash sir ki volume me diya hai wese hi practice krni hai….pls sir help me….
    • Rahul
      Dear Sunil,
      It looks like you have recently started Steno preparation. Yes, the words there are, we call them “Phrases”. They helps a lot in gaining speed while writing at 100 wpm or 120 wpm.
      If you are in 80 wpm now, you may practice them separately. Try to practise them and you will see the benefit yourself at later stage.
      • Sunil
        sir ek query or hai pls iska bhi answer de dena…..jaisa ki upr comment mai apne btaya ki steno grade c ke employee ki promotion aage kis kis post pr hoti hai…..meri query yeh hai ki jo grade c se aagey ki promotion hoti hai – wo exam based hoti hai ya seniority based. ???……or kya promotion ke liye 100 se jyada ki speed to nhi mangtey .????…pls sir ans. jaruur dijiyega….thanks in advance
        • Admin
          After Grade C, you will have to go for PS (Private Secretary). Which is a departmental exam conducted by UPSC. You have to pass that exam, on successful completion, you will be promoted as PS. After that, there is no exam, promotion will be done on the basis of seniority.
          • Sunil
            thanks sir…..sir kya grade D employee direct private secretary ke liye apply nhi kar saktey…??? and sir what is the eligibilty condition for private secretary post- like age limit, steno speed etc????
          • Admin
            No my friend, you cannot directly go for PS. Please read the notification on UPSC Website with regard to Limited Departmental Examination for Section Officer / Stenographer Gr B exam, and check the eligibility of the same.
  27. Shiva
    Hey anurag! Please check this link “”.The list of vacancies in each department and no. of vacancies is given in the tabular.”Marks of
    last selected candidate” and “Marks in Part 1 of last selected candidate”..Can you explain these terms..I am clueless regarding the term “Part 1”..What is part 1? The marks mentioned under part 1 are very low.Please shed some light on this :)
    • Admin
      Hello Shiva,
      The list is easy to understand. Marks of Last candidate selected means, the min marks required by the candidate to get selected in that department. Marks in Part 1 means, marks secured by the candidates who have been selected in Reasoning paper. This exam has 3 parts : Reasoning, General Knowledge and English Comprehension.
  28. Rahul
    hello sir , I am doing stenography (English) from govt. ITI , Nagpur this year , I want to know whether it is a outdated course ? Does government really wants people with skill of Stenography (shorthand) in today’s edge ?
    • Admin
      Yes indeed, govt is appointing candidates having good knowledge of stenography. Apply for the next year, and try to pass.
      • Rahul
        thank u sir for your reply
        I was thinking that there is no scope for stenography(shorthand), but after reading your blog , I understood that my thinking was wrong ,
        Thank u sir once again
      • Rahul
        thank u sir for your reply
        I was thinking that there is no scope for stenography(shorthand), but after reading your blog , I understood that my thinking was wrong ,
        Thank u sir once again
  29. Sir, I practice approx 5 thousands word per day, but when take any dictation, I miss so many words
    Plz suggest me I am learning this language since 2013 in jaipur
    N want to select in 2025
  30. Sir, I practice approx 5 thousands word per day, but when take any dictation, I miss so many words
    Plz suggest me I am learning this language since 2013 in jaipur
    N want to select in 2015
  31. Aadai
    sir I have aply for ssc steno grade C, I hope written exm wil b pas bt I hav worry for skill test I want to know abt skill test,can you plix tel me in details.
    suppose I have done da dictations in 10 minutes well, and from 1000 words I hav complete oly 800 words so it will b select or not
  32. Aadai
    sir I have aply for ssc steno grade C, I hope written exm wil b pas bt I hav worry for skill test I want to know abt skill test,can you plix tel me in details.
    suppose I have done da dictations in 10 minutes well, and from 1000 words I hav complete oly 800 words so it will b select or not?and tel me abt salary for grade C & D
    • Admin
      Hello Aadai,
      There is a very strict marking in Grade C Stenographers Exam. Candidates needs to pass the examination with min.5% mistake i.e. 50 mistake (other than reserved candidates). So, if you write only 800 words out of 1000 words. you are skipping 200 words which is clearly unacceptable. You will not be selected. Please try to make minimum mistakes to 5% only.
      I have already mentioned about salary for stenographers :
  33. Nikhil
    In the skill test, what should we use to write shorthand with? pen or pencil? What do people generally use?
    Do answer.
    • Admin
      There is no restriction for the writing tool. You can either use pen or pencil. No one gonna blame you. Use the tool which is most comfortable to you.
  34. Sujit
    Sir, First of all I would like to tell you that your each and every response is helping a lot to the needed one.
    My shorthand speed is 40wpm only. I would like to know that if I can reach up to 80wmp in 5 month from now ? If yes then how many hours do I need to practice everyday ?
  35. Kranthi
    Hello admin! Can you please decribe the job profile of a stenographer recruited through SSC? Work load,promotion chances etc., Is it a good job like SSC CGL jobs?
    • Admin
      Soon, I will try to post a complete job profile for SSC Stenographer. For now, i can assure you that this is far better job than SSC CGL jobs in all aspects….say promotion, work load, responsibility, nature of duty…etc..
  36. Ananth
    sir I really feel relieved and amazed on reaching ur site…. truely this is the unique gift for the aspirants…. I bet many of us dont knw the actual process of skill test. I have tried text to speech readers but the voice is not Indian … right ur dictations really help a lot
    but pls let me knw the exact level of speed in the real test and are the 15 files u gave us from the previous skill tests…. if not .. what will be the topic of the dictation like…. thanking u once again for ur great help… I await ur reply…
    • Admin
      Thanks Ananth, that means a lot to us. Well, your concern about dictations’ speed is absolutely right. There are fluctuations while dictating. Suppose you write for 80 wpm, then it might go upto 90 on the high side and upto 75 on the low side. Just a little up down is there. SSC calls very highly professionals appointed in various Govt departments on very reputed posts.
      The topics could be from latest news. You can consider various debates happened in Loksabha or Rajyasabha…..
    Sir, my steno speed is 60 wpm and my typing is not so good. pease tell me how to increase speed in both.
    • Admin
      You need to work really hard Neha. If you writing 60 wpm at this stage, first try to go for 80 wpm. It will take very much time bcoz as I said in the article as well, Shorthand is a lengthy process and it must be done with full dedication….
      For better results, you need to practice typing daily for about 2 hrs…
      Best of Luck !
    and also tell me how to crack ssc steno in 2015
  39. prudhvi
    Sir I prepared for ssc cgl and chsl…but I am new to this stenographer exam..can u tell me what skill test that process is typing, dictating what is that stuff .. Can u elaborate that process…and is it easy to type 100 much practise is needed?? Thanks in advance..waiting for your response
    • Admin
      Well prudhvi,
      Its not like CGL or CHSL where you can prepare for exam in 6-7 months. Shorthand exam is a lengthy process it will take approx 1 years to become fully able to write the examination. You can see most of the people can pass written exam but still they could not clear the skill test.
      Its not typing speed actually….its writing speed where you need to write a dictation at 100 wpm which is to be dictated by the officers called up by SSC.
  40. SARAT
    sir is possible to crack skill test with my full dedication & effort if i start from today onwards. ( im consulted a insitiute that it will provide full fledged special classes to me from today onwards) i prepared for group exams 15-16 hrs per day if i put more then that dedication in cracking stenography is its possible ? by the way my typing speed is 35 words per minute . im fully depend on your valueble suggetion sir!
    yours obediently.
    sarat chand.
    • Admin
      Hello Sarat,
      I can see Your dedication and hard work from your words. You can prepare and crack the exam but wht about the skill test ? Are you learning shorthand as well ? If Yes, then work hard. If no, then you please try your luck next time. Bcoz skill test is considered to be a major test in this exam rather than written exam. You can see from the previous results, lots of candidates had cleared the exams but have been failed in skill test.
      That’s why, I would say first you decide whether you are prepared or not ?
      how to crack steno exam in good marks
  41. SARAT
    this is only site giving fulfledged information about ssc steno . we are very glad to you sir for your ocean of patience to answer all our questions . your answers are 100% useful to all of us. thank you..
  42. Mohit chaudhary
    Sir, I would like to ask you that I have applied for stenographer group d examination, from himachal pradesh beacuse in there I am in OBC quota but my all certificates are of delhi as school cirtificate etc but my hometown is himachal pradesh and I have my birth circtificate as well from himachal. So is there any chance ssc would cancel my exam.
    Thanking you
  43. Shubham Pathrabe (NAGPUR)
    Sir, if I start to study of shorthand (Steno) from today so plz tell me whit in how many yrs i’ll jst b able to achieve the govt. job in ths fild. I m graduate in BBA (Commerce faculty) n now i m looking 4 govt job bt i saw there r so many competition in banking, railway n other govt sector so i decide to go 4 the steno bcoz there lack of competitions n lots of vacancies jst need to do stdy hrd so can i crack ths exam or skill test both with in 2 yrs, i m ready to do hrd work n plz tell me daily how many tym should b spent 4 study/practice of steno to get job in 2 yrs.
    I kindly request to u sir plz give me proper guidance yor reply is useful 4 my future
  44. Ankit Chauhan
    Sir i know a good knowledge in steno language hindi but i worry about written exam how can i get good marks in written exam
  45. hiiii….sir…..first u ..
    thank u very very much,,,, for this information..
    plz tell me.. im in 24 and im very worried about my career because now days competition very hard and im from general…..whats the benefit of shorthand in private sector and in which department more chances of promotions
    • Admin
      Hello Sumit,
      Due to huge competition even in Steno exam also, it is really a hard matter to pass. To get through this exam, you need to really work hard.
      In private sector also, stenos are doing good. You will be a private secretary to your officer. However, promotions benefits are good in both public and private sector.
  46. Vikas
    Sir, is backspace allowed in typing test
  47. Rakhi
    Hi Sir, I’m just preparing for ssc stenographer. Started learning stenography online. If I get through, is there any chance of getting posted in my hometown itself which is Kerala? Also I am a graduate in engineering. Is there any chance of getting rejected since i am overqualified?
    • Admin
      First of all, I would like to tell you that if you just started to learn, you cannot get through. The skill test considered to be the main exam of which most of the candidates can’t secure name in merit list. Here, I am not demoralizing you but telling you the truth.
      IF by any chance, you have passed..then, state preference will not be asked by SSC as they are now only asking about department preference. So, would be very messy to tell that you can get kerala.
      For your next point, SSC does not bother if you are graduate, post-graduate or diploma. SSC wants only 10+2. At the time of document verification, they will only ask your 12th class marksheets and other testimonials. So, forget about rejection….
      Hope I cleared your query.
  48. deepak
    Hello sir,my speed in steno is 100wpm but I couldn’t pass SSC written exam till now.please suggest me.or tell me coaching center name and address who clear exam within 1time .iam from Delhi.
  49. Divya
    Hii sir can you please tell me after how many days of written test skill test will be conducted. .. and is this possible to learn speed in 2-3 mnth??
    • Admin
      Generally, SSC conduct skill test after 30-45 days. As soon as written result is out, SSC starts selecting suitable candidates for skill test and segregate them according to their roll no. Let’s say….If written is going to be conducted for SSC Stenographer Exam 2015 in 31 Jan, 2016, then after one month the result will be out and thereafter…they schedule the skill test dates.
      And…Learning speed in 2-3 months is a far tedious job. Please work hard…
  50. nikhil
    I am very interested in Ministry of External Affairs. I want to know approx. how many vacancies were opened for stenographer in MEA in last few years?
  51. A Quddus
    Sir, Please confirm, whether I need to Submit a Certificate of Shorthand issued by the State Board of Secondary Education during Document Verification at SSC Regional Centre or Just 12th Certificate only.
    • Admin
      No need for Shorthand Certificate….Only academic certificates are required. But for the time being, you can keep the certificate along with you in case they ask for it.
  52. devavrathan kp
    Iam from kerala….first of all…let me congrajulate you…this blog is amaizing……first and ever website to see real in-dept analysisi of ssc steno.
    i know stenography and i can clear the exam.
    but last year also i cleared my exam and i went to skill test.
    but i was not selected despite i have written shorthand well and even transcribed it well.
    so my quetion is…..
    iam from general category(UR)….
    1. how much mark i want to score (in written exam) to make i will be inducted into the service?? (i got 125 marks last year)
    2. what change i shall make in shorthand to make sure my place in top of rank list…to reduce mistakes..etc..
    3. how much score i want to score to get into top “10” of ssc steno grade c.(in written exam).
    4.where will be i placed after selected …(which office..pls say precisely)…..i know it is very difficult….but pls give me an avg idea.. much i want to score in written exam to get into top ’50’ of grade ‘c’…..and how to perform in skill test…….
    6.pls tell me any another tips to get into the list….to assure my job…..execpt “hard work”…..
    sorry sir ..if you feel bad….why i ask this bcoz i don’t want to miss this atleast this time….
    • Admin
      Long list of querry….huh? :)
      This year as the seats are pretty good. You can easily get through the written part. To get into the list, please work hard. If you are selected in written, at the time of skill test, SSC will ask you for department preference. So, according to your preferred options, you will be allocated a department / ministry. There is no other way except hard work. If you missed the last time…I assure you with keen dedication, this time you will definitely be selected…
      Best of Luck !
      • Devavrathan kp
        Which department shall preffer(which has the most vacancy). How long it will take to get posted after being selected. (after skill test.. How many months)….. Can you give a rough idea of cut off marks… For grade c and do…..
  53. devavrathan kp
    1. how long it will take to provide posting after skill test(if selected).
    2.why you stenographer grade ‘c’ is better than ssc cgl.
    3.will there be training before joining job (post selection)
    • Admin
      after skill test, it will take 6-12 months to get posted.
      Stenographers ‘C’ is far more good than CGL. bcoz of lots of benefits i.e. Burden of work, responsibility, duty perspective, career growth etc.
      Yes, there will be training.
  54. DDP
    What if one doesn’t have any short hand teaching centers in there area, can short hand be self learnt.
    • Admin
      yes, you can learn but what if you have any doubt, who will going to clear those doubts. Shorthand includes so many similar strokes. So, only a teacher can help you distinguish them.
  55. SIR I have a pg degree in commerce and I am learning shorthand but my teacher says that It will take one year atleast to get perfect in this and you said in one of your chat above that shorthand will take only six months so I am not getting this properly could you explain this to me
    • Admin
      Look Vishal,
      Learning shorthand is a tedious job. For some it takes 1 year while for others, they can complete within 6 months. Here I am talking about Theory part which depends on various institutes. whether these institutes can finish the syllabus in 1 year or 6-8 months.
      While you learn theory for 6-8 months. After that you will be entering in Practical part i.e. Speed building course. which again take atleast 6 months. So, it will take almost 1 to 1.5 years to complete the course and be ready to write the exam at 80 wpm. For 100 wpm you need to work very hard.
  56. sarthak
    Dear sir
    I m doing Iti with Stenography(hindi) plz tell me which govt job demands steno certificate so that i get benifit of steno certificate…plz tell me
    • Admin
      Hello Sarthak,
      SSC and other govt departments do not ask for shorthand certificate. However, PSUs and some defense departments may ask for that.
  57. DDP
    How much salary is there in grade d and are promotion aspect good in grade d.
  58. sunil
    r first of all happy new year.. !! sir my query is that if i will select in grade D post of 2015 vacancies ..then after selection ….can i apply for grade C post in upcoming 2016 vacancies during service..??? sir kya SSC ne koi esi restrictions to nhi layai– like -ki ap 2 years tak kisi post ko apply nhi kr sakte…. or ….during training ap kisi post ko apply nhi kar sakte… like that…sir please reply jaroor krna …thanks in advance
    • Admin
      No there is no such restriction. You can apply after join or while in service. However, please intimate the department about your exam. It’s important.
  59. neha maggo
    hello sir. I am preparing for government jobs and learning steno too but there’s one such problem that I used to wear a hearing aid in one ear. just want to know that this thing can create any such problem in skill test or in selection process. Is it possible that ssc wale do not allow me to enter the skill test after knowing .please reply asap.
    • Admin
      There is no problem at all. However, at the time of document checking which is to be conducted a day before the skill test at the SSC Regional Centre, you can specify your problem. But, I am sure they will allow you for skill test.
      Best of Luck !
  60. Manish
    Hi i have completed 25 year of age now and last six month i am preparing for ssc steno exam . i have completed 115 chapters in new era book . … As a genral candidate i have 3 attempt (2015 , and 2016 and 2017) …. Sir my question is …… Is there any possibilty to get success in skill test in next one year. If i am doing steno 2 to 4 hour daily .???
  61. Sir i am 25 years old graduate. My maths and gs is really weak. I have been doing private job at airport, but my salary and growth is not satisfactory. I want to know ki kya mae stenography may career bana sakta hu aur 27 ki age tak govt kob paa sakta hu. Plz help me
    • Admin
      Look Arun, You have to work really hard. As you are having only 2 years however, there are some reservation rules using which the age can be extended. If you are from General Category. Then please work hard.
  62. Sir please guide me how to learn stenography in delhi.
  63. Kya 25 ki age kay baad stenography may career banane ka koe scope hae kya. Kyunki 27 ki age maangtay hae govt may. Kitna time lag jaayega achaa stenographer banne may.
  64. neha maggo
    sir. can u tell me the promotion level and time period it takes after stenographer grade c & d. please tell us the duties of this job one perform after selection and at which post one do not need to listen dictation . reply asap.
    • Admin
      Its totally depends on the cadre in which you will get admit. If you go with CSSS Cadre, after grade ‘D’, you will have to wait for 6 years for the limited departmental exam for grade ‘c’. Once you are grade c stenographer, further promotions are quite fast. Promotion in other departments also approximately similar. more or less 5 years will be there.
  65. How many hours a day will be sufficient to become a good stenographer. As i have enquired about the course near my home
    They told me that classes will be of 8 hours a day and 6 days in week. And course will be of 1 year and for typing another 6 months. That is too long. Please suggest me if can work as well as learn stenography.
    • Admin
      You can ask them about shorter duration. or you can also take classes on Saturdays and sundays as well. It would be very hard to prepare but you have to do it.
  66. jaya
    Hello sir
    Sir plzz mjhe kch books recommend kar dijiye jise ssc steno ka written clear ho jaye
    • Admin
      There are lots of books available in the market. You can go with Kiran prakashan or arihant. Try practice sets daily. Most of the time these practice sets enable you to write the exam efficiently and effectively.
  67. neha maggo
    sir. at which post we don’t need to listen dictation . and only have the computer based job. plz reply asap.
    • Admin
      Well, it is unlikely to tell the posts where one has to get away from dictations. Somehow or other you will have to write dictations. By the way, there is nothing bad in it. You are having knowledge of shorthand then, why do we fear for dictations in office. This is totally depend on the officers, whether they wish to work directly on computers or through dictations.
  68. amar
    Sir, is it true that government is thinking to stop recruiting stenographers?
  69. Sir aapki site ek baat mujhe jo sabse acchi lagi vo ke aap kisi ka ques bhi ignore nahi karte thats y i also want ask some thing..
    Sir mai English short hand ki classes le rha hu. Mujhe isse related jobs ke bare me details se bata dijiye.
    Nd kuch ka khena h ke up board walo ko hindi ki short hand shikna chaheye english ka nahi………..
    • Admin
      Well, Gaurav, you are learning english shorthand. Thats really good. There is lots of scope in this field. You can check our website for latest jobs on stenographers. We will soon start a service of this kind on this website.
      I am not really sure whether you should learn hindi shorthand if applying from UP Board. There are lots of candidates who are working in UP Departments with English Shorthand as well. So, it is completely depends upon in which department you are applying.
  70. gaurav
    Sir can u tell me where I get kailash Chandra magazine…?? I am using happy speed dictation …..
  71. gaurav
    yamuna vihar Delhi 11053
  72. Sir…is it possible to prepare for ias exam while working as a stenographer.How many hours a day a stenographer has to do work in office
    • Admin
      its not like you will not have work while posted as Stenographer. Work will be there and you have to do strict time management to prepare for Civil Service / IAS Examination. Also, please always try to devote your time to the work for which the salary you will be taking home. Do justice with your job.
  73. krish jain
    gudeve. sir….maine form fill krte tym grade D ko grade C se phele fill kr diya….nw if i will clear the grade c cutoff than they will give me the posting in grade c…while i filled grade d first…plzzz tell me about ths
    • Admin
      No need to worry at all. Go for written test..if passed you will be called for document verification….at the centre, there will again confirm this option from you. Don’t worry !
  74. gaurav
    Sir is baar candidates Jada h kya exam me ..???
    Center out of Delhi diya h…
    N are you doing steno job ..??
    • Admin
      There could be more candidates this time bcoz of lots of awareness regarding this exam. But Delhi me centre ho chahe delhi se bahar…if you are prepared, you can succeed….
  75. DDP
    Compare to touch typing , shorthand is a bit more tougher to prepare for.
  76. Hello sir
    Sir mene ssc steno ka offline form bhra tha sir sari info sahi bhari thi bt sir mera admit crd open nhi ho rha h nr region ka bar bar wrong d.o.b bta rhe h sir kya karu
    • Admin
      Please visit SSC Northern Region Headquarters immediately. Ask them to print the admit card or collect the offline admit card. Hurry up !
  77. Priya
    Sir…my query is same as of mitesh singh’s above…i also want to be an ias officer but due to my bad financial condition I want a job.So sir while working as a stenographer can I be able to continue my ias preparation as one of my friend said that a stenographer has to do multiple works in office so u can’t prepare for ias while working as a stenographer…so sir plz tell me is this true.
    • Admin
      To some extent, it is true. As a stenographer you have to assist the officer with whom you are posted. So, if there is lots of work with your officer, obviously he will seek help of yours. On the other hand, preparing for IAS is a tough job. On the one hand, you have to devote your energy in office and on the other hand, you have to prepare for IAS. So, dedicated time management is necessary. Think wisely on this topic.
  78. gaurav
    Sir grade d me Delhi me posting hoti h kya …???
    Ya out of Delhi hi milegi ..??
    • Admin
      Top rankers will get Delhi otherwise you will be posted in subordinate offices which are situated across India.
      This post has been acquired from However, future correspondence in this regard, may please be considered here itself. 
      For any queries / suggestion, please make use of comment box below....