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One Word Substitution for English :
word Substitution can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause
and can help in writing or communicating precisely. Nowadays, all the
competitive examinations are asking about Common One Word Substitutions
in exam like SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC COmbined Higher Secondary
Level Examination. List of some common one-word substitutions are given
below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Galaxy | Irregular luminous band of stars. | आकाश-गंगा, तारा समूह, विशिष्ट मंडली |
Garage | A shed for motor car. | मोटर घर, गैराज |
Gazette | A government publication relating to order, notification etc. | राज पत्र, सरकारी गज़ेट |
Geology | Study of Earth | भूविज्ञान |
Germicide | A medicine that kills germs | रोगाणु नाशी, जीवाणु नाशी |
Glossary | A long list of words with their meaning. | शब्दावली, शब्द संग्रह |
Glutton | One who eats too much | पेटू, खाऊ |
Grammar | Art and science dealing with a language. | व्याकरण |
Granary | A store house for a threshed grain. | अन्न-भंड़ार, अन्नागार |
Gratis | Without payment | निशुल्क |
Gregarious | Of animals living in flocks | झुण्ड़ में रहनेवाला, मिलनसार |
Gullible | One who is easily deceived | भोला भाला |
Harangue | A noisy and loud speech before a long gathering. | उग्र, प्रभावशाली भाषण |
Hearse | Vehicle to carry dead bodies. | शव वाहन |
Herbivorous | A grass eating animal | शाक-भक्षी जानवर |
Heritage | what is got from ancestors | परंपरा, धरोहर, विरासत, उत्तराधिकार |
Heterogeneous | Things of different nature | विजातिय, विविध प्रकार |
Histology | Study of Tissue | तंतु विज्ञान |
Homicide | Murder of a human being | मानव वध, नर हत्या |
Homogeneous | Thing of same nature. | सजातिय, समरूप |
Honey moon | The first night of newly married couple. | विवाह के बाद दाम्पत्य जीवन की प्रथम रात्रि |
Honorary | A position for which no salary is paid | सम्माननीय, अवैतनिक, बिना वेतन का पद |
Horizon | The point where the earth and sky seem to meet. | क्षितिज, सीमा |
Hospitable | Fond of entertaining guests. | मेहमान नवाज, महजबान |
Hostility | Intense aggression or anger state of antagonism | दुश्मनी, दुर्भावना |
Humanitarian | One who feels sympathetic towards human beings | मानवतावादी, परोपकारी |
Hung | Assembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majority | त्रिशंकु |
Hydra | A serpent with many heads | बहुत सिरों वाला साँप |
Hydrophobia | A fear from water | जलांतक, जल से भय |
Hygienist | a specialist in the promotion of clean conditions for the preservation of health | स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान विशेषज्ञ |
Hypocrite | One who pretends to be what he is not | पाखंडी, कपटी |
Hypothesis | A tentative assumption, Made to drive a logical conclusion. | अनुमान लगाना, कल्पना |
Iconoclast | Breaker of art and literature. | मूर्ति पूजा विरोधी, रूढ़िगत विचारो का विरोधी |
Idiosyncrasy | A person's peculiar habit | सनक, अवांछनीय आदत |
Idolatry | Worship of idols | मूर्ति पूजा |
Ignorant | Person having no knowledge of any happening. | अनजान, अज्ञानी, अपरिचित |
Illegal | That which is against law | अवैध, गैर कानूनी |
Illegible | A handwriting that cannot be read | पठनीय, अस्पष्ट |
Illicit | That is prohibited by law | नियम या व्यवहार विरुध, गैर कानूनी, अवैध |
Illiterate | A person who cannot read or write | अशिक्षित, अनभिज्ञ |
Illusion | False sensual proposition. | मतिभ्रम, मरीचिका, गलत फहमी |
Imitable | Which can be imitated. | नकल होने योग्य |
Immigrant | One who lives in a foreign country | अप्रवासी, विदेश में बसनेवाला |
Immovable | Which cannot be moved, fixed. | अचल, अटल |
Impenetrable | Incapable of being penetrated. | अभेद्य, जिसको भेदा ना जा सके, अगम्य |
Imperceptible | That which cannot be noticed | अतिसूक्ष्म, अलक्ष्य |
Impervious | A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people's opinions, suggestions | अप्रभावित, अभेद्य |
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Imposter | One who assumes name or title or someone else for deceiving others. | बहरूपिया, ढोंगी |
Impracticable | That which cannot be practiced | अव्यवहारिक |
Impregnable | Incapable of being seized by attack | अजय, अभेद्य |
Improbable | That which is not likely to happen | असंभाव्य |
Inaccessible | Incapable of being reached. | अगम्य, पहुंच से बाहर |
Inadmissible | Incapable of being admitted or allowed. | अस्वीकार्य, अमान्य |
Inanimate | Without life | निर्जीव, अचेतन |
Inaudible | A sound that cannot be heard | ना सुनाई देने वाला, अश्रव्य |
Incombustible | Incapable of being burnt. | जिसे आग ना लग सके |
Incomprehensible | A statement which cannot be understood | दुरूह, अबोध्य |
Incorrigible | One who cannot be corrected | असुधार्य, जिसे ठीक ना किया जा सके. |
Incredible | That which cannot be believed | अविश्वसनीय |
Incurable | That which cannot be cured | असाध्य, अचिकित्स्य |
Indefatigable | One incapable of being tired | अथक, अश्रांत, ना थकने वाला |
Indefensible | That which cannot be defended | असमर्थनीय, अरक्षणीय |
Indescribable | That which cannot be described | अवर्णनीय |
Indestructible | Incapable of being destroyed. | अविनाशी, अटूट |
Indispensable | Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed with | अनिवार्य, जरूरी |
Indivisible | Incapable of being divided. | अविभाज्य, जिसका भाग ना हो सके |
Indoor | Something carried on within door or under cover. | भीतरी, आंतरिक, घर के अंदर |
Ineligible | Not being able to be elected or selected under the rules. | अपात्र, अयोग्य, अनुचित |
Inevitable | That which cannot be avoided | निश्चित, अनिवार्य, अपरिहार्य |
Inexcusable | Incapable of being justified. | अक्षम्य |
Inexhaustible | Incapable of being tired out. | अनन्त |
Inexplicable | That which cannot be explained | दुरूह, जिसकी व्याख्या ना की जा सके |
Inexplicit | Not definitely or clearly expressed. | अस्पष्ट |
Inexpressible | Incapable of being expressed in words. | अवर्णनीय, अकथनीय |
Infallible | A remedy which never fails | अचूक, रामबाण |
Infanticide | The act of killing an infant | शिशुहत्या |
Infection | A disease spread by contact | संक्रमण, बुरा असर, संक्रामक रोग, छूत की बीमारी |
Infinite | Not limited by person or number. | अनन्त, असीम, विशाल, ईश्वर |
Inflammable | Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned | ज्वलनशील, ज्वलंतशील |
Inimitable | A method that cannot be imitated | अनोखा, जिसकी नकल ना की जा सके, अननुकरणीय |
Insatiable | That which cannot be satisfied | अतृप्त, जो तृप्त ना हो सके |
Insecticide | That which kill insects. | कीट नाशक प्रदार्थ |
Insoluble | Incapable of being dissolved in a liquid | ना घुलनेवाला, अघुलनशील |
Insolvent | One who is unable to pay his debts | दिवालिया |
Insomnia | Loss of sleep | अनिद्रा रोग, अल्पनिंद्रा |
Insurmountable | Incapable of being overcome. | अजय, जो प्राप्त ना किया जा सके |
Interpolate | Inserting new matter in a book | बीच में डालना |
Intervene | Anything pushed inside veins | बीच में आना, हस्तक्षेप करना |
Intestate | One who dies without a Will | बिना वसीयत, इच्छा पत्रहीन |
Introspection | The action of looking back on past time | आत्मविश्लेषण |
Invincible | That which cannot be conquered | अजय, जिसे जीता ना जा सके |
Invisible | A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes | अदृश्य, ओझल |
Invulnerable | That which cannot be hurt | सुरक्षित, अभेद्य |
Irreconcilable | Incapable of being reconciled. | कट्टर, मेल ना करने वाला |
Irrecoverable | Incapable of recovered, regained. | वापस ना मिल सकने योग्य, सदा के लिये होने वाला |
Irrelevant | Not applicable | अप्रासंगिक, बेमतलब |
Irreparable | A loss of damage that cannot be compensated | अपूर्ण, जिसे सुधारा ना जा सके |
Irrevocable | That cannot be altered or withdrawn | अटल, अपरिवर्तनीय |
Irritable | A man who is easily irritated | चिड़चिड़ा, क्रोधी |
Itinerant | One who travels from place to place | भ्रमणशील |
Itinerary | A planned route or journey, details of travel | यात्रा विवरण |
One Word Substituion for English :
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