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One Word Substitution for English :
word Substitution can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause
and can help in writing or communicating precisely. Nowadays, all the
competitive examinations are asking about Common One Word Substitutions
in exam like SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC COmbined Higher Secondary
Level Examination. List of some common one-word substitutions are given
below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Caducity | The infirmity of old age. | नश्वरता |
Calligraphy | The art of beautiful hand writing. Elegant penmanship. | हस्तलिपि, लिखावट, सुलेख |
Callous | A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy | कठोर, निष्ठुर |
Cannibal | Of a man or animal that feeds on its own species | स्वजातिभक्षक पशु, नरभक्षी |
Carnivorous | A flesh eating animal | मांसाहारी |
Catalogue | A list of books | तालिका, नामावली, नामसूची |
Celibacy | Abstinence from sex | ब्रह्मचर्य |
Celibate | One who is unmarried | ब्रह्मचारी |
Cemetery | A place for burial of dead bodies. | कब्रिस्तान |
Centenarian | A person who is above hundred years | शतायु |
Centenary | Celebration of a hundredth year, once –a-century | शताब्दी, शतवर्षिया उत्सव |
Centripetal | Anything tending to move away from centre. | अभिकेंद्र, केन्द्राभिमुखी |
Century | One hundred years. | सौ वर्ष, शताब्दी |
Colleague | A co-worker or a fellow-worker in the same institution | सहकर्मी |
Compatriot | Belong to same country. | एक देशवासी, हम वतन |
Congenital | Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth | जन्मजात |
Congregation | An assembly of worshippers. | सभा, भक्त मंडली, धर्मसंघ |
Conscription | Compulsory enlistment for military or i\other service | सेना में जबरदस्ती भर्ती करना |
Contemporaries | People living at the same time | समकालीन व्यक्ति |
Contemporary | Belonging to the same period of time | समकालीन |
Convalescent | One who is recovering from illness | स्वास्थ्य लाभकारी, स्वास्थ्य लाभ से सम्बंधित |
Cosmology | Science of origin of universe | ब्रह्माण्ड विज्ञान |
Cosmopolitan | One who can make himself at home in all countries | समस्त संसार का, सर्वव्यापी |
Cosmopolite | A citizen of the world | ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसने बहुत देशों की यात्रा की हो |
Couplet | A stanza having two lines in verse. | दोहा |
Credulous | A person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her. | सहज विश्वासी, भोला |
Cryptography | Study of secret writing and coded words | गूढ़ लेखन, बीज लेखन |
Curable | Which can be cured. | साध्य, ठीक होने योग्य |
Cynic | One who questions everything | दोषदर्शी, निंदक |
Cytology | Study of cell | कोशिका विज्ञान |
Dead letter | An unclaimed letter | अंधपत्र, अप्रचलित कानून |
Deaf | One who cannot hear | बहरा |
Debar | Prevent a person from admission or a right. | वर्जित करना, रोक देना |
Declamation | Act or art of rhetorical exercise. | भाषण, घोषणा, व्याख्यान |
Delegate | To give one | सौपना, प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिये भेजना |
Democracy | Government of the people, for the people, by the people | प्रजातंत्र, लोकतंत्र |
Demonstration | Show of force to intimidate. | प्रदर्शन |
Depreciate | To go down in value | मूल्य घटना, कीमत घटना |
Dermatology | Study of skin. | त्वचा विज्ञान |
Desert | Where neither water nor vegetation is found. | रेगिस्तान, मरुस्थल, बंजर |
Deteriorate | To go from bad to worse | बिगड़ना, क्षय होना |
Dictatorship | Government carried on by an absolute ruler. | निरंकुशता, तानाशाही, दबंग |
Dictionary | A book dealing with words in alphabetical order | शब्दकोश, शब्द सागर |
Dieting | A small allowance of food to become slim. | कम भोजन करना |
Digestible | That which can be digested | पाचन योग्य, सुपाच्य |
Dipsomania | A strong desire to take liquor. | मदिरा की लत्त, शराब की तीव्र इच्छा |
Disenfranchisement | To take away some one | विशेष विक्रय अधिकार को वापस लेना |
Divisible | That Which can be divided. | विभाज्य |
Dotage | Extreme old age when one behaves like a child | सठियापा, वृद्धावस्था की मतिक्षीणता |
Draw | A game in which neither party wins | लॉटरी नंबर निकालना, खींचना, खेल में ना जीत ना हार, बराबरी |
Drawn/ Tie | A game or batter in which neither party wins | खेल मैं बराबरी - ना जीत ना हार |
Drought | Continuous dry weather and lack of rain and water. | सूखा, अनावृष्टि |
Dumb | One who cannot speak | गूंगा |
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Eccentric | One who has strange habits | सनकी, विचित्र |
Ecology | Study of environment | पर्यावरण, परिस्थिति विज्ञान |
Edible | A thing that is fit to be eaten | खाने योग्य, आहार |
Effeminate | Of a man showing feminine attributes | नारी जैसा पुरुष, स्त्रैण |
Efficacious | Sure to produce desired results | अचूक, प्रभावी |
Egotist | A person who always thinks of himself ; somebody who is selfish or self-centered | अहंकारी, अहंवादी |
Eligible | One who is qualifies for election | योग्य |
Elucidate | To explain something mysterious or difficult | समझना, स्पष्ट करना |
Embezzlement | Misappropriation of money | गबन |
Emigrant | One who goes to live in a foreign country | उप्रवासी, परदेश में रहने वाला व्यक्ति |
Emissary | Q person sent on a mission.[usually official] | दूत, गुप्तचर, जासूस |
Emphasize | To lay special stress on | महत्व देना |
Employer | One who employs. | नियोजक, मालिक |
Endemic | A disease prevailing in a locality | स्थानिक बीमारी |
Entomology | Study of insects | कीट विद्या |
Epic | A long narrative poem | महाकाव्य |
Epicure | Somebody who has refined taste for food; somebody who loves sensual pleasure and luxury | स्वादलोलुप व्यक्ति |
Epidemic | A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area | महामारी |
Epilogue | A speech given after conclusion of drama. | उपसंहार |
Epistle | Verse in form of a letter. | काव्य पत्र, धर्म पत्र |
Epitaph | Inscription on a tombstone | स्मारक, समाधी-लेख |
Equestrian | A person who rides on horse-back | अश्वारोही, घुड़सवार |
Equilibrium | A state of perfect balance | संतुलन |
Eradicate | Destroy or get rid of something completely; root out an evil or bad practice | मिटा देना, उन्मूलन करना |
Essential | Thing without which we cannot do | अनिवार्य, प्रधान, आवश्यक |
Ethnology | A study of races | मानव जाति अध्ययन |
Etiquette | Established rules of conduct; rules of acceptable behavior | शिष्टाचार |
Etymology | A study of word, science deals which formation of words | शब्दों का इतिहास/मतलब, शब्दों के उद्गम का शास्त्र |
Examinee | One who is taking examination. | परीक्षार्थी |
Examiner | One who examine the copies of examinees. | परीक्षक, प्रश्नकर्ता |
Exile | Made to be absent for a long time from one's own country. | देश निकाला, निर्वासन, वनवास |
Exonerate | Free somebody from blame or guilt | दोष मुक्त करना |
Expatriate | To send out of native country. | प्रवासी |
Expurgate | To remove all objectionable matter. | आपत्तिजनक विषय की कांट-छांट करना |
Extempore | A speech delivered without any previous preparation | बिना तैयारी के |
Extradite | To send back the criminal to the country. | भागे हुए विदेशी अपराधी को सौंपना, प्रत्यार्पण करना |
Facsimile | An exact copy | प्रतिकृति |
Fanatic | A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion | कट्टरपंथी, उन्मादी |
Fastidious | A person difficult to please | अकडू, नकचड़ा |
Fatal | Anything that leads to death | प्राण-घातक, जानलेवा |
Fatalist | A person who believes in fate | भाग्यवादी |
Feminist | One who thinks only of welfare of women | नारी अधिकारवादी |
Foregone | Something that has been determined beforehand | पूर्व निश्चित |
Forgery | Falsification of documents etc. | जालसाजी, नकली |
Foster child | Child brought by persons, Who are not his parents. | किसी और के द्वारा पोषित बच्चा |
Franchise | Constitutional right to cast vote. | मतदान का अधिकार, विशेष विक्रय अधिकार |
Fratricide | The murder or murderer of brother or sister | भ्रात्र-हत्या, स्वजनो की हत्या/हत्यारा |
One Word Substituion for English :
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