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One Word Substitution for English :
word Substitution can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause
and can help in writing or communicating precisely. Nowadays, all the
competitive examinations are asking about Common One Word Substitutions
in exam like SSC CGL, SSC Stenographers, SSC COmbined Higher Secondary
Level Examination. List of some common one-word substitutions are given
below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Jail | A place where prisoners are kept. | बंदीगृह, कारागार |
Jurisdiction | The area over which an official has control | अधिकारक्षेत्र |
Juvenile | Anything which relates to young and youth. | किशोर, जवान |
Kangaroo | An animal of Australia with great leaping power. | कंगारू |
Kidnap | To carry away a person forcibly. | अपहरण |
Kindergarten | A school for small children | बालवाड़ी, छोटे बच्चों का स्कूल |
Kleptomania | An abnormal desire to steal | चोरी करने की बीमारी |
Legal | That which is lawful | कानूनी, विधिक |
Linguist | One who knows many languages. | बहुभाषी, भाषा प्रवीण |
Locust | A kind of winged insect migrating in swarms and consuming vegetation. | टिड्ड़ी |
Logic | The science of reasoning. | तर्क, तर्क शास्त्र, गणितीय तर्क |
Loquacious | A continuous talker. | बातूनी, वाचाल |
Lunar | Eclipse of Moon | चन्द्र ग्रहण |
Maiden | The first speech made by a person | प्रथम, कुंवारी |
Mammals | Animals which give milk | स्तनपायी, जानवर जो दूध देते हैं |
Manuscript | Handwritten book | हस्तलिखित, पाण्डुलिपि |
Martyr | A person who died for the sake of his country. | शहीद, हुतात्मा |
Masochism | the tendency to derive sexual gratification from one’s own pain or humiliation | स्वपीड़न कामुकता, पीड़ा सुख |
Materialistic | One for whom money is the most important thing | भौतिकतावादी, विषयी, सांसारिक |
Matinee | A cinema show which is held in the afternoon | दोपहर का खेल |
Matins | Morning prayer in Church | प्रातः कालीन प्रार्थना (चर्च में) |
Matricide | Killing of one’s own mother; killer of one’s own mother | मातृहत्या, मातृहत्यारा |
Matrimony | State of being married. | विवाह, शादी |
Maxim | An establish principle | नीति वचन, वचन, सूक्ति |
Meadow | A low level tract of uncultivated grassland | घास का मैदान |
Medieval | Belonging to the Middle Ages | मध्यकालीन |
Meditation | Continuous and profound contemplation on spiritual matters | ध्यान, ईश्वर का स्मरण |
Melodrama | An extravagant comedy in which action is more salient than characterization | सनसनीखेज नाटक, उत्तेजनायुक्त नाटक |
Mercenary | One who can do anything for money | लोभी, किराये का सैनिक |
Mesomorph | A person whose build is powerful, Compact and muscular. | गठीला, हट्टा कट्टा इंसान |
Meticulous | Very particular even about small details | अतिसावधान, छोटी-छोटी चीजो का भी ध्यान रखने वाला |
Migratory | That move from one place to another. | प्रवासी, देशांतर जाने वाला |
Misanthrope | One who hates mankind | मानव-द्वेषी, मनुष्य से नफरत करने वाला |
Misanthropist | Hater of mankind | मानव को पसंद ना करने वाला |
Misogamist | A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage | शादी व्यवस्था में ना विश्वास करने वाला |
Misogynist | A person who hates women | औरत जाति से नफरत करनेवाला, स्त्री-द्वेषी |
Mobocracy | Rule by the mob | भीड़-तंत्र, भीड़ का राज |
Monarchy | A Government by a king or queen | राज तंत्र |
Monogamy | Practice of having one wife or husband | एक विवाह प्रथा |
Mortal | Subject to death. | नश्वर, प्राणघातक |
Muse | Goddess of learning and arts. | प्रेरक शक्ति, ध्यान, सरस्वती देवी |
Myth | Purely fictitious narrative usually involving supernatural being etc. | पौराणिक कथा, झूठी बात |
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Namesake | Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something else | हमनाम, नाम राशि |
Narcotic | Medicine which induces sleep. | नशीली दवा, नींद लाने वाली दवा |
Native | One whose parents are domiciled. | मूलवासी, पैदाइशी |
Naughty | A badly behaved child. | शरारती, खुराफाती |
Neologism | New word coined by an author. | नवशब्द, नवनिर्मित शब्द |
Neophyte | One who is a newcomer | नौसिखिया, नया चेला |
Notary | Person publically authorized to draw up or attest contracts etc | लेख्य प्रमाणक, लेख-पटरा प्रमाणकारी |
Notorious | A person with an evil reputation | बदनाम, कुख्यात |
Novice | One who is new to a trade or profession | नौसिखिया, पेशे धंधे में नया |
Numismatics | Science of coins or medals | मुद्रा शास्त्र |
Nutritive | Article of food rich in nutrition. | पोषण संबंधी |
Oasis | Fertile spot in desert. | मरुस्थल के बीच हरित भूमि, सुख-दायक जगह |
Obesity | Having lot of fat in one's body. | मोटापा |
Obituary | A notice of death in a newspaper. | निधन सूचना, मृतविवरण |
Obsolete | A thing no longer in use | अप्रचलित |
Oceanography | Study of ocean | समुंद्र विज्ञान |
Odontology | Study of Teeth | दांत विज्ञान |
Oligarchy | A Government by the few | अल्पतंत्र, कुल-तंत्र |
Omnipotent | All-powerful; possessing complete power and authority | सर्व शक्तिमान |
Omnipresent | One who is present everywhere | सर्वव्यापी, सर्वव्यापक |
Omniscient | A person who knows everything | अंतरयामी, सर्वज्ञ |
Omnivorous | An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food | सर्वभक्षी, सर्वग्राही |
Opaque | That through which light cannot pass | अपारदर्शी |
Ophthalmology | Study of Eye | नेत्र विज्ञान |
Optic | Science of sight and light. | प्रकाश सम्बंधी विज्ञान |
Optics | Study of light | प्रकाश विज्ञान |
Optimist | One who looks at the bright side of things; somebody positive | आशावादी |
Orator | One who makes an eloquent public speech. | सुवक्ता |
Ordnance | A factory where military materials are produced. | गोलाबारूद , युद्ध सामग्री |
Oriental | A person of Asian, especially East Asian, descent. | पूर्वी , पूर्व-वासी |
Ornithology | A study of birds | पक्षी विज्ञान |
Orography | Study of mountain | पर्वत विज्ञान, पार्वतिकी |
Orphan | A person without father and mother. | अनाथ, यतीम |
Orphanage | A place where orphans live | अनाथालय, अनाथाश्रम |
Orthodox | One who believes in traditional values | परंपरागत, कट्टरपंथी |
Orthography | Study of correct spelling of words | वर्तनी |
Ostracize | To expel from society | निष्कासित करना, बहिष्कृत करना |
Ostrich | A large bird reputed to bury its head in sand when pursued. | शतुरमुर्ग |
Outcast | Cast out as useless. | निर्वासित, परित्यक्त, बहिष्कृत |
One Word Substitution for English :
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